The scripts and input files that accompany this demo can be found in the demos/protocol_captures directory of the Rosetta weekly releases.

This is a protocol capture, and represents the protocol at a fixed point in time. It may not work with the current version of Rosetta.


Author: Rebecca F. Alford (
Corresponding PI: Jeffrey J. Gray (
Last Updated: January 2015
Rosetta Revision #58069

This application assembles and docks symmetric protein complexes in the membrane bilayer. The symmetric native complex is first refined using the MP_Relax application. The lowest scoring native conformation (by total Rosetta score) is then used as input to the membrane symmetric docking application, which searches for possible conformations by reassembling and docking subunits together.

This application combines the membrane framework, symmetry machinery, and standard symmetric docking algorithm in Rosetta. Currently, docking of Cyclic (C) symmetries is supported.

Reference for this protocol capture:

  • Alford RF, Koehler Leman J, Weitzner BD, Duran A, Elazar A, Tilley D, Gray JJ (2015) An integrated framework advancing membrane protein modeling and design PLosCompBio (in preparation)



Generating Inputs

Three initial input files are required for this protocol:

  1. PDB file for the native symmetric complex (all subunits)
  2. Span file describing trans-membrane spans of the full complex
  3. Span file describing trans-membrane spans of the asymmetric unit

Steps for generating these inputs are provided below. These inputs can also be found in the example_inputs/ directory

  1. PDB File: Generate a PDB file where the membrane protein structure is transformed into PDB coordinates (z-axis is membrane normal). This can be done either by downloading the transformed PDB directly from the PDBTM website ( or by downloading a PDB file from the PDB and running it through the PPM server (

    We use the potassium channel KcsA as an example here:

    • Download the PDB 1bl8 transformed into membrane coordinates from the PDBTM
    • Clean the PDB using

      Rosetta/tools/protein_tools/scripts/ 1bl8_tr.pdb ignorechain

      (the resulting PDB is referred as 1bl8_tr.pdb from here)

  2. Full (symmetric) and asymmetric Span File: Generate a spanfile from the PDB structure using the spanfile_from_pdb application described in the MP_spanfile-from-pdb protocol capture in Rosetta/demos/protocol_captures/2015.

    Rosetta/main/source/bin/spanfile_from_pdb.linuxgccrelease -database /path/to/Rosetta/main/database -in:file:s 1bl8_tr.pdb

    For this example, this command will produce 5 output files:

    • 1bl8_tr.span: Predicted trans-membrane spans for the full symmetric complex
    • 1bl8_tr<A-D>.span: Predicted trans-membrane spans for each chain in the complex

Steps of the protocol

Here, we describe the steps required to run the MP_SymDock protocol. As an example, all steps use a C4 Symmetric Potassium Channel (PDB ID: 1bl8)

  1. Initial Refinement: Using the native symmetric complex and full spanfile, generate 10 refined models using the MP_Relax protocol. This protocol described in the a protocol capture in Rosetta/demos/protocol_capture/2015/MP_relax. Run the following commandline with the given flags file:

    Rosetta/main/source/bin/rosetta_scripts.linuxgccrelease -parser:protocol membrane_relax.xml @relax_flags

    The following output files will be generated:

    • 1bl8_tr_<0001-0010>.pdb : 10 refined models of 1bl8
    • : Rosetta scores for each resulting models

    Examples of these outputs can be found in example_refined_models/

    Note on timing: Depending on protein size, refinement is a time consuming step. Each decoy will take 0.5-1.0hrs depending on avaialble processing power.

  2. Input model selection: Use the score file from the refinement step to select the lowest scoring refined model by total Rosetta score. In this example, the model 1bl8_tr_0009.pdb has the lowest total Rosetta score and will therefore be used as input to the next step. From this point forward, this model will be referred to as 1bl8_refined.pdb and is located in example_symmetry_files/.

  3. Generate inputs for symmetry: To prepare the structure for assembly and docking in the protocol, a set of asymmetric inputs must be generated. These inputs describe the asymmetric unit, which will later be used to re-assemble the complex based on a generated symmetry definition. A version of these generated input files are provided in the example_symmetry_files/ directory

    First, create the asymmetric input structure and symmetry definition file from the refined symmetric complex using the script. An example commandline is provided below:

    Rosetta/main/source/src/apps/public/symmetry/ -p 1bl8_refined.pdb -a A -i B:4 > 1bl8.c4.symm

    In this command-line:

    • -p specifies the input PDB file
    • -a specifies the chain or chains to use as the asymmetric unit,
    • -i specifies how to organize the remaining chains. In this example, "B:4" means use chain B as the next subunit and arrange subunits as a C4 tetramer (4 subunits around the Z axis))

    This command will generate various files, only two of which are key here:

    • 1bl8_refined_INPUT.pdb : PDB file containing the asymmetric subunit
    • 1bl8.c4.symm : Symmetry definition file describing the arrangement of subunits in the complex. This file specifically describes needed translations and rotations to regenerate and assemble this complex from the input file.

    Note: To generate a correct symmetry, requires all chains be of equal length. Subunits should also be close to <0.5Å rmsd to one another. Any asymmetry may result in an incorrect symmetry definiton. To check, you can visualize the example_symmetry_inputs/1bl8_refined_symm.pdb to ensure this initial setup is correct.

    Next, you will need the 1bl8_trA.span file containing trans-membrane spans for only the asymmetric unit. If your asymmetric unit contains multiple chains, you may need to assemble this file yourself from the full set of spans.

  4. Running the symmetric docking application: Using the asymmetric unit PDB, symmetry definition file, and asymmetric unit span file as inputs, you are ready to run the membrane symmetric docking application. Flags, recommended settings, and commandlines are described below:

    1. Required Options: Options (flags) needed to run this application are described below. A file with these flags,
      symdock_flags, is also provided for the 1bl8 example.

        flags                                     descriptions
        -in:file:s <pdbfile>                      Input PDB Structure: Asymmetric input structure
        -in:file:native <pdbfile>                 Structure of native symmetric complex for RMSD calculations
        -membrane_new:setup:spanfiles <spanfile>  Spanfile describing spanning topology of asymmetric unit
        -membrane_new:scoring:hbond               Turn on membrane depth-dependent hydrogen bonding weight
        -symmetry:symmetry_definition             Symmetry definition file
        -symmetry:initialize_rigid_body_dofs      Locally sample rigid body conformations during intial complex assembly
                                                  (before docking algorithm)
        -nstruct                                  Number of structures to generate
        -packing:pack_missing_sidechains 0        Wait to pack until the membrane mode is turned on
        -docking:dock_lowres_filter 5.0 10.0      Lower van der Waals scoring criteria during centroid stage
                                                  to allow wider range of rigid body sampling;
                                                  Both numbers are highest allowed scores for a low-resolution
                                                  model to proceed to the high-resolution stage:
                                                  5.0 = highest allowed van der Waals score
                                                  10.0 = highest allowed interchain contact score
    2. Recommended # of Decoys

      • For demo run: 1
      • For production runs: 1000
    3. Command Line

        Rosetta/main/source/bin/membrane_symdocking.linuxgccrelease -database /path/to/Rosetta/main/database @symdock_flags 

Example Outputs

The following outputs will be generated from the symmetric docking protocol. A version of these outputs are also provided in the example_outputs/ directory:

  1. 1bl8_refined_INPUT_0001.pdb: Symmetrically docked output model from the protocol

  2. Scorefile output by Rosetta containing memrbane and symmetry scores for this model

Additional References

  1. DiMaio F, Leaver-Fay A, Bradley P, Baker D, André I (2011) Modeling Symmetric Macromolecular Structures in Rosetta3. PLoS ONE 6: e20450.

  2. Barth P, Schonbrun J, Baker D (2007) Toward high-resolution prediction and design of transmembrane helical protein structures. Proc Natl Acad Sci 104: 15682–15687.