The scripts and input files that accompany this demo can be found in the
directory of the Rosetta weekly releases.
This is a protocol capture, and represents the protocol at a fixed point in time. It may not work with the current version of Rosetta.
Author: Andrew Leaver-Fay
Multistate design considers the impact that a sequence has on multiple structures (states) simultaneously to rule one sequence more favorable (fit) for a particular purpose than another sequence. In the case of this protocol, I'm attempting to design a heterodimer starting with a homodimer. Multistate design needs to favor the binding interactions for the heterodimeric species (AB) while disfavoring the binding interactions for the homodimeric species (AA and BB). This objective is encoded in an input-file fitness function.
A new multistate protein design protocol has been implemented in Rosetta. In an outer loop, a genetic algorithm explores sequence space; in an inner loop, fixed-sequence rotamer repacking finds a low-energy rotamer assignments for each of arbitrarily many fixed-backbone states. (Fixed sequence repacking can be distributed across multiple CPUs with MPI). The energies for the set of states are used to define a fitness for a sequence; the function that converts from the state energies to a fitness is definable in an input file and may be arbitrarily complex. This protocol has been applied toward the design of bispecific antibodies by redesigning the Fc interface; the protocol sought sequences favoring the AB heterodimer while disfavoring the AA and BB homodimers.
-entity_resfile <fname>
-fitness_file <fname>
-ms::generations <int>
-ms::pop_size <int>
-ms::fraction_by_recombination <float>
The entity resfile defines the number of entity elements in the design task, and defines the amino acid and rotamer search space for each entity element. The entity resfile file format is simply a resfile that's proceeded by one line containing one integer, the number of elements in the entity.
The fitness file defines the set of states which are to be optimized, and the fitness function that determines the fitness for an entity, given the energies of each of the states after they've been repacked using the sequence encoded in that entity. There are six available commands in the fitness file; STATE, STATE_VECTOR, VECTOR_VARIABLE, SCALAR_EXPRESSION, VECTOR_EXPRESSION, ENTITY_FUNCTION, and FITNESS. Each command must be on its own line. The syntax for command X may be found on in the @details section preceeding the function definition for:
void DynamicAggregateFunction::process_X_command
in the file
-ms::generations <int>
I have found that the number of generations should be ~ 15 x N where N is the number of entity elements. In this example, I have 7 residues on each side of the interface being designed, so I have 14 entity elements, and therefore run for 210 generations.
-ms::pop_size <int>
I have found that, using ms::generations <15\*N>, the population size of 100 is good.
-ms::fraction_by_recombination <float>
The fraction of crossover events; the fraction mutated by point mutations is 1 - this number. I have found that high point mutation rates are preferable, and typically set the fraction by recombination to 5% or lower.
-ms::numresults <int>
The number of results to output, sorted by increasing (worsening) fitness. Typically there are many sequences near the top sequence that are not very different in sequence space nor in fitness. The default is to output only the pdbs relating to the entity with the best fitness.
All of the flags that control the initialization of a packer-task may be used, but their use is discouraged in favor of specifying behavior for residues in either the entity-resfile or the secondary resfiles.
path/to/mini/bin/mpi_msd.linuxgccrelease -entity_resfile input_files/entity.resfile -fitness_file input_files/fitness.daf -ms::pop_size 100 -ms::generations 210 -ms::numresults 1 -no_his_his_pairE -ms::fraction_by_recombination 0.02 -database /path/to/minirosetta_database
One MSD run is insufficient for multiple reasons: 1) one design run is never enough, 2) your fitness function probably has one or more parameters that need sweeping, and should be swept through, 3) if you're modeling negative states, then you probably need to iteratively generate those negative states. You probably also need scripts to control the submission of the MSD jobs to an MPI cluster. That will vary from cluster to cluster.
In the case of the heterodimer design, I also used two more rosetta applications:
to re-dock the homodimeric species following their output from the multistate design protocol with the flags
-s <pdbname>
-database /path/to/minirosetta_database
-nstruct 20
-docking:docking_local_refine 1
with the flags
-s <pdbname>
-database /path/to/minirosetta_database
-jumpnum 1
-is_compute_hbond_unsat true
-is_compute_packstat true
-mute protocols.toolbox
to measure the interface energy, the buried surface area (dSASA), the "binding energy density" (interface energy / dSASA), and the number of buried unsatisfied hydrogen bonds.
Every state which contributed in some way to the fitness for a particular entity is output at the conclusion of the MSD run. The state is output with the rotamer assignment computed when the entity's fitness was first evaluated (states are not repacked prior to being output, so if you think there is something fishy in a rotamer packing, you can look at the rotamer assignment). For example, if you used the "vmin" function to select the state from a state vector with the lowest energy, then only the state with the lowest energy is output.
Output pdbs are named with "msd_output_", the rank of the source entity (1..numresults), the name for the state variable or the state-vector variable (this name comes from the fitness file) and a ".pdb".