The scripts and input files that accompany this demo can be found in the
directory of the Rosetta weekly releases.
Author: Colin A. Smith
Protocol backrub_seqtol
This protocol is designed to predict the tolerated sequence space for a given protein-protein interface or protein domain. It involves generating an ensemble of backbone structures by running backrub simulations on an input structure. For each member of the ensemble, a large number of sequences are scored and then Boltzmann weighted to generate a position weight matrix for the specified sequence positions. Interactions within and between different parts of the structure can be individually reweighted, depending on the desired objective.
Updates to this protocol capture can be found at:
To run this protocol, the backrub app is used to generate an ensemble of structures. After that, sequence_tolerance is used to sample a large number of sequence for each member of the ensemble. Finally, an R script is used to process the results. A python script is included which handles generation of single ensemble member using backrub and sequence scoring using sequence_tolerance. It includes a few paths which must be customized to run correctly on a user's system. Please note that 20 backbones is the minimum suggested to get acceptable output. The more backbone structures that are generated, the less prone the results will be to stochastic fluctuations.
Common flags:
This flag specifies the starting structure.
This is used in backrub and sequence_tolerance to specify mutations and
control sequence sampling. It is required for sequence_tolerance.
This flag is used to specify a weights file that disables environment
dependent hydrogen bonds.
This flag must be used to reapply the score12 patch to the standard scoring
-ex1 -ex2 -extrachi_cutoff
These flags enable higher resolution rotamer librares for mutation and
sequence redesign.
Backrub flags:
This flag is used to increase the number of Monte Carlo steps above the
default of 1000.
If mutations are specified in the resfile, this movemap is used to
specify degrees of freedom to be minimized in a three stage process:
-in:file:movemap -sm_prob
Both of these flags are required to enable small phi/psi moves during
backrub sampling.
Sequence tolerance flags:
-ms:checkpoint:prefix -ms:checkpoint:interval
Both of these flags must be specified to get output of the scored sequences.
-ms:generations -ms:pop_size -ms:pop_from_ss
These flags affect the genetic algorithm used for sequence sampling.
This flag is used to reweight the reference energies for given residues.
This flag controls the fitness function used for the genetic algorithm.
Example Rosetta command-line: (where $ROSETTA3
$> $ROSETTA3/bin/backrub.linuxgccrelease -s input_files/2I0L_A_C_V2006/2I0L_A_C_V2006.pdb -ex1 -ex2 -extrachi_cutoff 0 -mute -backrub:ntrials 10 -score:weights input_files/standard_NO_HB_ENV_DEP.wts -score:patch score12
$> $ROSETTA3/bin/sequence_tolerance.linuxgccrelease -s 2I0L_A_C_V2006_0001_low.pdb -ex1 -ex2 -extrachi_cutoff 0 -score:ref_offsets HIS 1.2 -seq_tol:fitness_master_weights 1 1 1 2 -ms:generations 5 -ms:pop_size 2000 -ms:pop_from_ss 1 -ms:checkpoint:prefix 2I0L_A_C_V2006_0001 -ms:checkpoint:interval 200 -ms:checkpoint:gz -score:weights input_files/standard_NO_HB_ENV_DEP.wts -out:prefix 2I0L_A_C_V2006_0001 -score:patch score12 -resfile input_files/2I0L_A_C_V2006/2I0L_A_C_V2006_seqtol.resfile
The takes as input a PDB file and generates a resfile for use with the sequence_tolerance app. It takes at least two other required arguments. The first is the command used for making residues designable. This is usually either "ALLAA" for all amino acids, or "PIKAA ..." for a restricted set of amino acids. The next arguments are the residues which should be designable, with the chain and residue number separated by a colon.
Example command-line:
$> scripts/ input_files/2I0L_A_C_V2006/2I0L_A_C_V2006.pdb "PIKAA ADEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY" B:2002 B:2003 B:2004 B:2005 B:2006
The script takes as input a PDB file and other similarly named configuration files, and produces a single backrub ensemble member along with approximately 10,000 scored sequences on that member. All of the input files use a base name derived from removing the ".pdb" extension from the PDB file. For instance, the base name of 1MGF.pdb would be 1MFG.
If you want to use one PDB file with many different input files you can specify a different path from which to get the input files.
Required input files:
<base name>_seqtol.resfile
This resfile specifies which sequence positions to sample, along with the
residue positions that should be repacked.
Optional input files:
<base name>_backrub.resfile
This resfile specifies which residues should have flexible side chains
during the backrub run. By default, all side chains are flexible. This file
can also define mutations that should be made to the input structure prior
to the backrub simulation.
<base name>_minimize.movemap
This file is passed to the -backrub:minimize_movemap flag (see above).
<base name>_perturb.movemap
This file is passed to the -in:file:movemap flag (see above). It also sets
-sm_prob flag to 0.1.
Example overall command-line:
$> scripts/ input_files/2I0L_A_C_V2006/2I0L_A_C_V2006.pdb 1
Post-processing with R:
$ cd output/2I0L_A_C_V2006
$ R
> source("rosetta-3.2/rosetta_source/analysis/apps/sequence_tolerance.R")
> process_specificity()
Generating Smith & Kortemme PLoS One 2011 figures:
$ cd output
$ R
> rosetta_analysis_dir <- "rosetta-3.2/rosetta_source/analysis"
> source("../scripts/figures.R")
$> scripts/ input_files/2QMT/2QMT.pdb "ALLAA" A:5 A:7 A:16 A:18 A:18 A:30 A:33
$> scripts/ input_files/2I0L_A_C_V2006/2I0L_A_C_V2006.pdb "PIKAA ADEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY" B:2002 B:2003 B:2004 B:2005 B:2006
$> scripts/ input_files/2IWP_B_A_V1927/2IWP_B_A_V1927.pdb "PIKAA ADEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY" B:1923 B:1924 B:1925 B:1926 B:1927
$> scripts/ input_files/2FNE_A_C_V2048/2FNE_A_C_V2048.pdb "PIKAA ADEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY" B:2044 B:2045 B:2046 B:2047 B:2048
$> scripts/ input_files/1N7T/1N7T_01.pdb "PIKAA ADEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY" B:303 B:304 B:305 B:306 B:307
$> mv input_files/1N7T/1N7T_01_seqtol.resfile input_files/1N7T/1N7T_seqtol.resfile
$> cp input_files/1N7T/1N7T_seqtol.resfile input_files/1N7T_V83K/1N7T_V83K_seqtol.resfile
$> scripts/ input_files/1A22_1/1A22_1.pdb "PIKAA ADEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY" A:14 A:28 A:47 A:61 A:171 A:179
$> scripts/ input_files/1A22_2/1A22_2.pdb "PIKAA ADEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY" A:18 A:42 A:62 A:65 A:164 A:175
$> scripts/ input_files/1A22_3/1A22_3.pdb "PIKAA ADEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY" A:21 A:29 A:45 A:60 A:67 A:178
$> scripts/ input_files/1A22_4/1A22_4.pdb "PIKAA ADEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY" A:22 A:43 A:66 A:167 A:176 A:183
$> scripts/ input_files/1A22_5/1A22_5.pdb "PIKAA ADEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY" A:26 A:44 A:48 A:64 A:168 A:174
$> scripts/ input_files/1A22_6/1A22_6.pdb "PIKAA ADEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY" A:25 A:41 A:46 A:63 A:172
$> scripts/ input_files/2QMT/2QMT.pdb 1 $> scripts/ input_files/2QMT/2QMT.pdb 2
$> scripts/ input_files/2I0L_A_C_V2006/2I0L_A_C_V2006.pdb 1 $> scripts/ input_files/2I0L_A_C_V2006/2I0L_A_C_V2006.pdb 2
$> scripts/ input_files/1N7T/1N7T_%02i.pdb 1 input_files/1N7T_V83K/1N7T_V83K $> scripts/ input_files/1N7T/1N7T_%02i.pdb 2 input_files/1N7T_V83K/1N7T_V83K
$> scripts/ input_files/1A22_1/1A22_1.pdb 1 $> scripts/ input_files/1A22_1/1A22_1.pdb 2
This protocol used the Rosetta 3.2 release version
Several other scripting/analysis tools were used: