The scripts and input files that accompany this demo can be found in the
directory of the Rosetta weekly releases.
This is a demo for the mononuclear zinc metalloenzyme redesign procedure described in Khare, Kipnis, Greisen et al. Nature Chemical Biology (2012).
Authors: Sagar Khare (, Per Jr Greisen ( Edited by Vikram K. Mulligan ( during the 2016 Documentation XRW.
The scripts in this demo require that SciPy is installed on the user's system.
Starting from a TS ensemble model and a set of zinc-containing PDBs (only one - PDBid 1A4L - is included here, list of other PDB codes used in the paper is in list_of_input_pdbs file) as inputs, we generate a design model and evaluate it.
Requires an input TS model including the metal, and a (set of) PDB file(s). The TS ensemble is generated using a starting molfile, and converted to Rosetta parameters using the script `~/Rosetta/main/source/src/python/apps/public/
Each Step is included as a subdirectory with a separate README. In each case, the relevant command is intended to be run from the relevant subdirectory.
For most Python scripts, running with a -h option will give a list of available options. To run the commands shown below, you will either need to set your ROSETTA_TOOLS environment variable to point to the Rosetta/tools directory, or you will need to replace $ROSETTA_TOOLS with the path to your Rosetta/tools directory manually. (To set the environment variable temporarily, for the current session, use ROSETTA_TOOLS=<path_to_Rosetta_tools_directory>
. For example, if your Rosetta tools directory were /programs/Rosetta/tools/, use ROSETTA_TOOLS=/programs/Rosetta/tools
Each of the following commands is intended to be run from the relevant subdirectory for the step. For example, before running the first command, navigate to the 1_Analyze_ZincSite subdirectory.
Given a PDB file, obtain the co-ordination sphere details of metal (how many protein-metal, and HETATM-metal interactions, in what geometry in each chain).
python $ROSETTA_TOOLS/zinc_site_redesign/ -f 1A4L.pdb
Given an input PDB, "clean" it i.e. keep one chain, change MSE->MET, KCX->LYS etc. Keep HETATMS.
python $ROSETTA_TOOLS/zinc_site_redesign/ -f 1A4L.pdb
Align transition state model(s) onto the zinc site according to co-ordination sphere details:
Given TS model (LG_0001.pdb) and "clean" PDBfile (1A4L_clean.pdb) align them.
python $ROSETTA_TOOLS/zinc_site_redesign/ -f 1A4L_clean_A.pdb -l LG_0001.pdb
Generate Rosetta Inputs given the aligned ligand.
python $ROSETTA_TOOLS/zinc_site_redesign/ -f 1A4L_clean_A.pdb -m ZN -a aligned_ligand.pdb
Minimize the constraints energy for the superimposed ligand using Rosetta. Except the metal-chelating protein residues, every other ligand-proximal protein residue is temporarily converted to Ala.
<path_to_Rosetta_directory>/main/source/bin/enzyme_design.default.linuxgccrelease @optcst.flags -linmem_ig 10 -in:file::s rosetta_cst.pdb
Note that, in the above, you may need to change "default.linuxgccrelease" to match your build, operating system, and compiler (e.g. static.macosclangrelease).
To introduce additional catalytic residues, run a round of RosettaMatch.
<path_to_Rosetta_directory>/main/source/bin/match.default.linuxgccrelease @general_matching.flags @scaf.flags @subs.flags -linmem_ig 10 -in:file::s 1A4L_clean_A_r.pdb
Design the rest of the pocket for maximizing TS affinity.
<path_to_Rosetta_directory>/main/source/bin/enzyme_design.default.linuxgccrelease @enzdes.flags -correct -linmem_ig 10 -in:file::s <file_from_matching.pdb> > design.log &
For a semi-automated refinement step, generate a so-called resfile, so that the wildtype and any other user-specified residue can be introduced at any given position. Use this resfile with similar commandline as Step 6.
python $ROSETTA_TOOLS/zinc_site_redesign/ UM_1_H15H17H214D295Q58_1A4L_clean_A_r_1A4L_clean_A_1__DE_1.pdb
<path_to_Rosetta_directory>/main/source/bin/ligand_dock.default.linuxgccrelease @flags