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Author: Jared Adolf-Bryfogle ( A constraint generator that creates Dihedral constraints for specified residues using a residue selector. Uses CircularHarmonic constraints since CircularGaussian func does not exist. By default, it works on Protein and carbohydrate BackBone dihedrals (see dihedral option), however, CUSTOM ARBITRARY DIHEDRALS can be set. See the dihedral_atoms and dihedral_residues tags to set a custom dihedral. Alternatively, you can set any ARBITRARY DIHEDRAL with the 'dihedral_angle' option (this option is in degrees).
It will only work on ONE type of dihedral angle to allow complete customization.
References and author information for the DihedralConstraintGenerator constraint generator:
DihedralConstraintGenerator ConstraintGenerator's author(s): Jared Adolf-Bryfogle, Institute for Protein Innovation
<DihedralConstraintGenerator name="(&string;)" dihedral="(&string;)"
sd="(ℜ)" dihedral_angle="(&string;)" dihedral_atoms="(&string;)"
dihedral_residues="(&string;)" residue_selector="(&string;)" />