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Performs FastRelax on repeat proteins after setting up internal symmetry

<RepeatProteinRelax name="(&string)" scorefxn="(&string)" numb_repeats="(4 &int)" minimize="(false &bool)" loop_cutpoint_mode="false &bool" relax_iterations="(5 &int)" cartesian="(false &bool)
  min_type="(lbfgs_armijo_nonmonotone &string)" remove_symmetry="(true &bool)" modify_symmetry_and_exit="(false &bool)" 

Options include:

  • scorefxn (tag for score function)
  • numb_repeats (default 4 - NOTE this is the number of repeats in the protein not the number of repeats in fastrelax
  • minimize (runs minimize rather than relax. Doesn't seem to work very well
  • loop_cutpoint_mode (adds cutpoints to long loops. With anchors and cutpoints more movement will be seen in the loops)
  • relax_iterations ( number of iterations of fastrelax default=5)
  • cartesian (turns on cartesian relax, use with a cartesian score function)
  • remove_symmetry (can get the mover to leave symmetry after completion.
  • modify_symmetry_and_exit (only sets up symmetry)

NOTE: Be sure to use with these flags:

  • -symmetry_definition stoopid
  • -old_sym_min true