All output messages have channel + priority level assign to them. User can dynamically, in run time specify command line options to mute/unmute specific/all channels and to change level of output.
Example of usage:
#include <basic/Tracer.hh>
using basic::T;
using basic::Error;
using basic::Warning;
static basic::Tracer TR( "" );
static basic::Tracer TR2( "" , t_fatal);
void my_function()
// using pre-created Tracer object
TR << "my_function begin..." << std::endl;
// using named priority levels:
TR.Fatal << "Some Fatal Error here..." << std::endl;
TR.Error << "Some Error here... " << std::endl;
TR.Warning << "Warning message... " << std::endl;
TR.Info << "Info message... " << std::endl;
TR.Debug << "Debug message... " << std::endl;
TR.Trace << "Trace message... " << std::endl;
TR << "regular output with default priority" << std::endl;
// changing default priority level of tracer object
TR.priority(t_warning) << "Now default priority is t_warning." << std::endl;
TR(t_fatal) << "Now default priority is t_fatal." << std::endl;
// print debug messages without creating Tracer object, useful if you need to output to custom channel.
T( "SomeChannelName" ) << "Just a message..." << std::endl;
// Specifying priority:
T( "ChannelA" , 100) << "Message with priority 100" << std::endl;
It is possible output some stl and utility data type directly. Currently we have support std::vector, utility::vector1 and std::map. Here the example of usage:
std::vector<int> A;
A.push_back(1); A.push_back(2); A.push_back(3); A.push_back(5);
utility::vector1<int> B;
B.push_back(10); B.push_back(20); B.push_back(30); B.push_back(45);
std::map<int, std::string> M;
M[1]= "one" ; M[2]= "two" ; M[3]= "1+2" ;
T( "Demo" ) << "vector:" << A << " vector1:" << B << " map:" << M << "\n" ;
Which will produce output:
Demo: vector:[1, 2, 3, 5, ] vector1:[10, 20, 30, 45, ] map:{1:one, 2:two, 3:1+2, }
unmute all channels - default behavior, the same as just './a.out'
./a.out -unmute all
mute all channels, unmute ChannelA and ChannelB
./a.out -mute all -unmute ChannelA ChannelB
mute ChannelA and ChannelB
./a.out -mute ChannelA ChannelB
Set priority of output messages to be between 0 and 10
./a.out -out:level 10
disable output of channels names
./a.out -chname off
Note: channels name work as hierarchical name: if you mute 'core.scoring' - that will effectively mute all channels starting with core.scoring i.e: core.scoring.count_pair, core.scoring.dunbrack, ... etc. The same logic apply to unmute.
Name tracer channel according to your file path. For example file core/io/pdb/ should have Tracer channel named as ''. That way Tracer channels would reflect namespaces for a code plus a file name.
If you need to create tracer with custom channel names - just add your custom name after dot in the end, for example:
static basic::Tracer TR( "" );