ResourceManager Documentation

The doxygen code documentation page for the ResourceManager describes the architecture and design. The ResourceManager page describes the implementated of the components.


  • Matthew O'Meara
  • Andrew Leaver-Fay
  • Brian Weitzner


Right now it is difficult to get resource data into a Rosetta protocol. A motivating example is using electron density maps while designing multiple scaffolds. Each scaffold requires its density map to be loaded from disk and be made accessible. Often there are multiple hits per scaffold that require separate design runs. Because of the cost of loading an electron density map from disk, and the large memory footprint it consumes once loaded, it is desirable to load the resource when needed and then unloaded when it is not. The resource manager is a protocol-independent system for managing static data and making it available to protocols. Additional candidate static data to be managed by the resource manager include native poses, experimental constraints, chemical shift data, fragments, and configuration files such as loop definitions, resfiles, and symmetry definitions.

Current protocols address this resource management problem with the following inadequate solutions:

  • Option system: The option system represents options coming from things like the command line. It is designed to be a static structure once it has been initialized and many places have taken advantage of that by--say--only reading during an initialization stage. Being static does not allow multiple values to be specified for a field, making it awkward to specify multiple instances of a resource.
  • JD2 Batching: The batching system allows the option system to be modified between different input structures. This allows multiple resources to be specified at the expense of breaking the property that the option system is static.
  • Database reader: A resource is looked up on a database table by the input tag. This still requires the protocol to keep track of the structure once it has been loaded.
  • DataCache: Data can be associated with a pose and then looked up later. This but it is can be tricky to transfer just the information that is needed say between different hits for the same target.
  • JD2::JobInputter Custom JobInputters can be made to handle different types of input data, however, JD2 is designed to partition runs on the input-type, so it makes it convoluted to use it to load multiple types of data.

Design Objectives

  • Allow users to specify external data resources and options to be used with specific jobs
  • Allow protocol developers to easily request resources and get fully initialized resources
  • Decouple the option system from protocols to allow different protocol configuration options to be used for different jobs
  • Control the lifecycle of shared resources to conserve memory

Software Tasks


  • Finish doxygen page
  • Add ResourceLocators

    • SerializationLocator
    • SilentFileLocator
  • Add ResourceLoaders

    • ResfileLoader (hm, tricky because resfile parsing isn't separated from applying it to a pose)
    • FragFile
    • Constraints
    • SilentFile (all the different versions)

Resource Definitions Syntax

"Skeleton" XML Format

            Describe data stores where resources are located
             Describe options needed to initialize and configure resources
             Define how resource should be loaded
             Define jobs by indicating resources and options.

Once the resource definition file has been prepared it may be specified on the command line for a particular protocol using the option -resource_definition_files. An example is below.

loopmodel.macosclangrelease @flags -resource_definition_files test.xml

An Annotated Example

A job is the single execution of a protocol, for example a RosettaScripts protocol or a Mover distributed through the JD2 job distributor. This example sets up a single job named 1xu1FH_D that uses as a starting structure the pdb file 1xu1FH_D.pdb in the directory /path/to/input/pdbs and uses the symmetry definitions file 1xu1FH_d.symm.


               Each ResourceLocator provides a locator_id -> istreams map to initialize a resource

               <FileSystemResourceLocator tag="startstruct_locator" base_path="/path/to/input/pdbs"/>
               The "startstruct_locator" takes path relative to /path/to/input/pdbs
               and returns the contents of the file. This is referenced below in the
               Resources block to initialize the starting structure.

               <FileSystemResourceLocator tag="symmetry_definition_locator" base_path="/path/to/input/symmetry_definitions"/>
               The "symmetry_definitions_locator" takes a path relative to
              /path/to/input/symmetry_definitions and returns the contents of the file.
               This is referenced below in the Resources block to initialize the starting structure.


               Each ResourceOptions defines non-default options for how a resource
               should be constructed from the istream input provided by the ResourceLocator

               <PoseFromPDBOptions tag="pdb_options" ignore_unrecognized_res=1/>
                The "pdb_options" is a PoseFromPDBOptions and is used when loading
                a pose from data in the protein databank PDB format. Here, residues that
                are not recognized are ignored. Alternatively, the non-standard residue types
                can be loaded on a per-job basis in the jobs section.


               A Resource is a fully constructed object whose lifetime and availability
               is managed by the ResourcManager.

               <PoseFromPDB tag="1xu1FH_D_startstruct" locator_tag="startstruct_locator" locatorID="1xu1FH_D.pdb" resource_options=pdb_options/>
               The "1xu1FH_D_startstruct" resource is a Pose object that is Rosetta's
               central representation of a structure and stores the conformation and
               energy information. In this case, the Pose is constructed from the pdb file
               provided by the "startstruct_locator" using "1xu1FH_D.pdb" as the relative path.
               It uses the "pdb_options" as configuration options for how the pose should
               be constructed from the pdb file.

               <SymmData tag="1xu1FH_D_symmetry_definition" locator_tag=symmetry_definition_locator locatorID="1xu1FH_D.symm"/>
               The "1xu1FH_D_symmetry_definition" resource is a SymmData object that
               is used to convert an asymmetric unit into a symmetric conformation.
               The symmetry definition file is created using the perl script in


        A job is a unit of work that is processed by the JD2 Job distributor. In this block,
        resources defined in the Resources block are mapped to resource descriptions
        that can be referenced from within the protocol. All jobs must provide the same
        resource descriptions, but can refer to different resources.   All jobs must also contain 
        one field specifying the starting pdb with a data description "startstruct" 

               <Job name="1xu1FH_D">
               This job has name "1xu1FH_D". If it produces pdb output, it will have
               the filename 1xu1FH_D_0001.pdb.

                       <Data desc="startstruct" resource_tag=1xu1FH_D_startstruct/>
                       This tag maps the Pose resource with tag "1xu1FH_D_startstruct"
                       defined in the Resources block to the resource description "startstruct".
                       The "startstruct" resource description is referenced by the JD2 resource
                       manager to be the input Pose for the protocol.

                       <Data desc="symmdata" resource_tag=1xu1FH_D_symmetry_definition/>
                       This tag maps the SymmData resource with tag 
                       "1xu1FH_D_symmetry_definition" defined in the Resources block to the
                       resource description "symmedata". This can be referenced, for example in
                       RosettaScripts with the mover tag <SetupForSymmetry name=(&string)





A ResourceLocator is used to interface with a data store and provide map from LocatorID to istream. Resource locators can be defined in the ResourceLocators' tag block

      <(resource_locator_type) locator_tag=(&string)  (other options to be processed by the resource_locator_type)/>

For example to define a resource locator that looks up file in the file system,

   <FileSystemResourceLocator locator_tag="filesys"/>

By default, a FileSystemResourceLocator is created with locator tag "".


For resources that can be initialized from scratch, the NullResourceLocator is a placeholder. For example the DatabaseSessionResource does not read from the a datastore, so it can use the NullResourceLocator

   <NullResourceLocator tag=(&string)/>


The filesystem resource locator acts as a map: file name --> file contents.

   <FileSystemResourceLocator tag=(&string)/>

A locator_id uses the the following search path first looks in the current working directory then in the values specified on with the -in:path option. If the filename ends in .gz it will try to open the file as if it is a gzipped file with the izstream library.


The database resource locator acts as a map: key column --> value column in a SQL result table.

   <DatabaseResourceLocator tag=(&string) database_session_tag=(&string) sql_command="SELECT ... ;"/>
  • The database_session_tag should reference a previously defined resource_tag in a <Resources/> block.
  • The sql_command should have a single ? that is substituted with the locator_id.

As an example, let the rosetta_inputs.db3 have a single table

   CREATE TABLE  pdb_file (pdb_code TEXT, pdb_file TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(pdb_code));

Then the following resource definitions file, loads the pdb_file contents for the row with pdb_code '1xu1FH_D' into the resource description 'startstruct'. A full working version of this example is in the resource_database_locator integration test.

            <DatabaseSessionOptions tag="input_db_options" database_mode="sqlite3" database_name="rosetta_inputs.db3"/>
            <DatabaseSession tag="rosetta_inputs_db" options="input_db_options" locator=NULL/>

             <DatabaseResourceLocator tag="starting_structures" database_session_tag="rosetta_inputs_db" sql_command="SELECT pdb_file FROM starting_structures WHERE pdb_code = ?;"/>

            <PoseFromPDB tag="1xu1FH_D_starting_struct" locator=starting_structures locatorID="1xu1FH_D"/>

             <Job name=1xu1FH_D>
                  <Data desc=startstruct resource_tag=1xu1FH_D_starting_struct/>


The FileListResourceLocator accepts as a locator string a list of paths to files, separated by spaces (not tabs). These files are then concatenated into a single file. This is particularly useful in docking studies, as a list of PDBs can be concatenated into a single pose. A working example of this can be found in the file_list_locator integration test. A syntax example is below:

    <FileListResourceLocator tag="file_list"/>
    <Job name="example" nstruct="1">
      <Data desc="startstruct" pdb="partner_1.pdb partner_2.pdb" locator="file_list"/>


A ResourceLoader is responsible constructing and initializing a object from a istream provided by the ResourceLocator and a ResourceOptions specific for the ResourceLoader.

       General Form:
       <(resource_loader_type) resource_tag=(value of locator_id &string) locator_tag=("" &string) locator_id=(&string) options=(default options &string)/>

       File Resource Shortcut:
       <(resource_loader_type) resource_tag=(value of locator_id &string) file=(&string) options=(default options &string)/>

The resource_tag is referenced in the Jobs block. If the value of the resource_tag is not specified, the value of the locator_id is used.


Create a utility::sql_database::sessionOP object.

   <DatabaseSession [standard ResourceLoader items]/>

Note this resource can use the NullResourceLocator.

   <DatabaseSessionOptions tag=(&string) database_connection_options/>


Create a core::scoring::electron_density::ElectronDensityOP object from a MRC or CCP4 electron density map.

   <ElectronDensity [standard ResourceLoader items]/>

   <ElectronDensityOptions tag=(&string) mapreso=(3.0 &real) grid_spacing=(0.0 &real)/>

Documentation for electron density map scoring is available at the Scoring Structures with Electron Density page.

NOTE: The electron_density score term looks for an ElectronDensity resource with description electron_density and it won't find it otherwise.


Create a protocols::loops::LoopsFileDataOP object from a loops file.

   <LoopsFile [standard ResourceLoader items/>

   <LoopsFileOptions tag=(&string) prohibit_single_residue_loops=(1 &bool)/>


Create a core::pose::PoseOP object from a pdb file.

   <PoseFromPDB [standard ResourceLoader items]/>

   <PoseFromPDBOptions tag=(&string) termini=(1 &bool) exit_if_missing_heavy_atoms=(0 &bool) ignore_unrecognized_res=(0 &bool) ignore_waters=(0 &bool) ignore_zero_occupancy=(0 &bool) keep_input_protonation_state=(0 &bool) preserve_header=(0 &bool) randomize_missing_coords=(0 &bool) remember_unrecognize_res=(0 &bool) remember_unrecognized_waters=(0 &bool) treat_residues_in_these_chains_as_separate_chemical_entities=(" " &string)/>


Createcore::conformation::symmetry::SymmDataOP object from a symmetry definitions file.

   <SymmData [standard ResourceLoader items]/>

  <SymmData tag=(&string)/>


A ResidueTypeLoader inserts a params file into the chemical manager when a job requiring that params file is started. ResidueType resources are associated with jobs through the use of the ResidueType subtag (see the example below). When the params file is no longer needed by any pending job, it is unloaded from the chemical manager. This lazy loading only applies to ResidueTypes input through the ResidueTypeLoader. Default residues specified in the database or through the normal command line options are unaffected. A working example of this code is in the residue_data_resource integration test. A syntax example is below:

Note: At the present time, only a single ResidueType can be associated with each job.

        <ResidueType file="new_residue.params"/>
        <Job name="new_job">
            <Data desc="startstruct" pdb="input.pdb"/>
            <ResidueType resource_tag="new_residue.params"/>

Resource Descriptions


In this section are gathered the list of all supported resource descriptions, the Resource they map to, and their associated FallbackConfiguration classes



  • "LoopsFile" maps to a protocols::loops::LoopsFile object. It's fallback is protocols::loops::LoopsFileFallbackConfiguration

Writing Unit Tests

(added by Rebecca Alford)

So you have written some resource loaders, but now you would like to load these resources into a unit test. To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Add your resource definition XML to the test as a string (I found it cleaner to put this in a function and return it)

    /// @brief Job String "\n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" "\n";

  2. Fill a job (see JD2JobDistributorSImilifiedInput.cxxtest.hh)

  3. Using a lazy resource manager, load your resource by job tag (specify the Data description (not the resource tag) and job tag

  4. Use the pattern:

    if (! lazy_resource_manager->has_resource_tag_by_job_tag("lipids", "membrane")) { throw utility::excn::EXCN_Msg_Exception(" Either a resource definition file or the command line option "\ "-in:file:lipofile must be specified"); } basic::resource_manager::ResourceOP lipids = lazy_resource_manager->get_resource_by_job_tag( "lipids", "membrane" );

  5. Downcast to you resource type

    core::membrane::util::LipidAccInfoOP lips_exp = dynamic_cast< LipidAccInfo * >( lipids () );

(Note: this section references code in my branch - rfalford12/membrane_frmwk_w_db in test/core/membrane/io/LoadAllResourcesTest.cxxtest.hh)

Possible FAQ

(added by Rebecca Alford)

To add locators, options, loaders, and fallback configurations, remember to register your new classes in the appropriate init.ihh files in protocols/init. I think you can also register them in core but this didn't work for me. 2. Be careful when copying boilerplate resource manager code. Some templates have a fixed RG seed and if you forget to change it your entire unit testing suite will crash. Cannot have to equivalent seeds.

See Also