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This mover will add arbitrary bits of idealized secondary structure at the beginning or end of chains.

<ExtendChain name="&string" motif=(&string) chain=(&integer) segment=(&string) prepend=(&bool)/>
  • motif: A string with what motif should be added to the Pose. For example, "10HA" adds 10 helical residues. "1LG-1LB-10HA" should be valid but this author doesn't know what that does.
  • chain: An integer, with which chain of the Pose should be modified. Notice this is number not letter; you'll need to know the internal numbering of the Pose.
  • prepend: by default, append to the C-terminus of the chain; if prepend is true, it probably goes to the N-terminus instead
  • segment: a different way to specify what to modify, other than by chain number; this author doesn't know how it works.
  • length: NOT a valid option! You have to use motif instead.

See Also