s are a subclass of Mover
specifically designed to simulate
the action of a virtual enzyme on a substrate, the Pose
. The enzyme may be a
biologically real enzyme or entirely hypothetical or constructed.
When the Mover
is "applied", it will search the Pose
's sequence for a
particular sequence site at which to make its modification, based on enzyme
data. For each site found, it will either make the modification or not, based
upon its set "efficiency".
The main difference between most Mover
s and an EnzymaticMover
is that a
standard Mover
makes a change to the 3D conformation of a Pose
, but the
identity of that Pose
's Residue
s remain unchanged. An EnzymaticMover
, on
the other hand, does not so much "move" a Pose
as "change" it, changing its
sequence in some way and turning it into a new molecule or set of molecules. An
can add, delete, or modify Residues
or join or split
chains within a Pose
—mirroring the same sorts of things that an enzyme
might do to a biopolymer in vivo.
Another thing to consider is that most Mover
s are used in protocols to
ultimately generate a large number of decoys. A more common usage of an
might be to initially generate a large number of biologically
relevant starting variations of a Pose
. For example, consider that most
proteins are glycosylated in vivo, yet most crystal structures of proteins do
not have the glycans included in the structure. An EnzymaticMover
could be
used to generate a biologically relevant ensemble of glycosylated variants of
the Pose
to use for further modeling applications.
A key feature of the EnzymaticMover
framework is the potential use of
biological enzymatic data. The Rosetta database will contain data for specific,
real-world enzymes, each with their own unique consensus sequences and
co-substrates. For example, some kinases are specific for phosphorylating serine
residues, while others will phosphorylate both serine and threonine residues.
The specific enzyme desired can be set by various methods to ensure that the
phosphorylation patterns desired by the current modeler result and match what
would be seen in Nature.
Similarly, specific species can be passed to an EnzymaticMover
. This feature
could allow one to write a protocol to generate an assortment of
post-translationally modified proteins given a variety of enzymes common to,
say, E. coli.
The EnzymaticMover
framework was conceived of and implemented by Jason W.
Labonte JWLabonte@jhu.edu. Please contact him with any questions or criticism.
Currently, four EnzymaticMover
s are written, but many more can and will be
added to the Rosetta code base.
at the N-terminus.For the most part, EnzymaticMover
s work like any other Mover
, and any of the
three main Rosetta interfaces can be used. The major difference is that an
relies on the presence of enzyme data in the database. If you
wish to use an EnzymaticMover
for a particular enzyme, ensure that the data for
that enzyme is present in the database! (See below for example enzyme data
After instantiating an EnzymaticMover
, the methods set_species()
can be used to set the specific enzyme species and enzyme name,
can be used to override the efficiency of the
enzyme as provided by the enzyme file in the database. A value of 1.00
corresponds to 100%. If set to 0.5 for example, the Mover
will only make a
change to any positions 50% of the time.
and set_excluded_sites()
can be used to pass the sequence
position(s) of (a) site(s) that cannot be modified. Perhaps there is a known
interface with another protein, for example. ensure_site()
work in the opposite manner, forcing a modification.
(Note that ResidueSelector
s do not currently work with EnzymaticMover
s, but
this will be changed in the future.)
and perform_all_reactions
toggle the behavior of
promiscuous enzymes.
from pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.enzymatic_movers import KinaseMover
general_enzyme = KinaseMover()
specific_enzyme = KinaseMover()
#include <protocols/enzymatic_movers/GlcyosyltransferaseMover.hh>
glycosyltransferase =
enzymatic_movers::GlycosyltransferaseMoverOP( utility::pointer::make_shared< enzymatic_movers::GlycosyltransferaseMover >() );
glycosyltransferase->set_species( "c_jejuni" );
glycosyltransferase->set_enzyme( "PglB" );
glycosyltransferase->set_efficiency( 1.0 );
glycosyltransferase.apply( pose );
In RosettaScripts, the interface with any EnzymaticMover
is through the
XML tag.
parameter of a EnzymaticMover
is for providing a unique name to
represent a given EnzymaticMover
elsewhere in the script.species
parameter is for setting the species name of the simulated
parameter is for setting the specific name of the simulated
parameter is to directly set the efficiency of the enzyme,
ignoring whatever is in the database.perform_major_reaction_only
parameter is to set the EnzymaticMover
perform only its major reaction, using only the first cosubstrate listed in its
enzyme data file.perform_all_reactions
parameter is for allowing the EnzymaticMover
be promiscuous, performing a random transfer from among its possible
co-substrates. This is the default behavior.<ROSETTASCRIPTS>
<KinaseMover name="kinase" species="h_sapiens" perform_major_reaction_only="true" />
<Add mover="kinase" />
Three Rosetta options flags are used specifically for interfacing with
s used in any protocols.
is used to set the species name of any simulated enzymes
used by the protocol.-enzymes:enzyme
is used to set the specific name of any simulated enzymes
used by the protocol.-enzymes:efficiencty
is used to override the efficiency of any simulated enzymes
used by the protocol.$ DNA_methylation -s input/1ABC.pdb -enzymes:species h_sapiens -enzymes:efficiency 0.75 -nstruct 3
$ glycosyltransfer -s input/2DEF.pdb -include_sugars -enzymes:species h_sapiens -enzymes:enzyme OGT -nstruct 5
$ phosphorylation -s input/3GHI.pdb -enzymes:species h_sapiens -nstruct 1
$ N-terminal_acetylation -s input/4JKL.pdb -nstruct 1
s rely on the database to function properly. All enzyme data
files have the following format:
# Consensus Sequence Residue of Atom
# Sequence Type CS to Modify To Modify Efficiency
TARGET AA 4 CA 1.00 # Rosettase perfectly appends a glycine in the target sequence with a branch.
# Co-substrates
The first line is assumed to contain a whitespace-delimited list of the following, all of which are required:
, J
, O
, U
, and Z
which code for Asx, Xle, Pyl, Sec, and Glx, respectively.X
alone is recognized to be any of the 20 canonical amino acids; X
by square brackets specifies a single non-canonical amino acid by 3-letter
code. For example, X[SEP]
specifies phosphoserine.(A/G)
specifies either Ala or Gly at
that position.<
in the first position indicates that the sequon must be located at the
in the final position indicates that the sequon must be located at the
, NA
, for the
three types of sequences accepted.Mover
s will need this information and are
allowed to ignore it, but a string value must be present.)EnzymaticMover
will only perform its modification 50% of the time. If
not set to 1.00, please provide a comment of the source for the value used.Any further lines are assumed by the database reader to be cosubstrates. This is usually specified in the form of a sequence of some sort.
If no further lines are provided, the enzyme either does not have a cosubstrate
or else the cosubstrate is not needed by Rosetta to perform the modification.
(For example, a kinase does not need to provide ATP as a cosubstrate, because,
under the hood, Rosetta will simply modify a Residue
to convert it into a
phosphorylated VariantType
. Whereas, a ligase would need to know the sequence
of the structure to be joined to the Pose
If multiple cosubstrate lines are provided, this means that the enzyme being simulated is promiscuous, that is, it will randomly select from the options when performing the reaction.
Any EnymaticMover
should be named as an enzyme (ending in "-ase") followed by
"Mover". For example, RosettaseMover
Any Mover
inheriting from the EnzymaticMover
base class must:
...provide an enzyme family corresponding to a directory of enzyme data.
The enzyme family is passed as an argument to the EnzymaticMover
in the child class's own constructor. For example:
KinaseMover::KinaseMover(): EnzymaticMover( "kinases" )
type( "KinaseMover" );
...use EnzymaticMover
's xml_schema_complex_type_generator()
method to
provide the XML schema for RosettaScripts.
For example:
DNALigaseMover::provide_xml_schema( utility::tag::XMLSchemaDefinition & xsd )
using namespace utility::tag;
EnzymaticMover::xml_schema_complex_type_generator()->element_name( mover_name() )
.complex_type_naming_func( & moves::complex_type_name_for_mover )
.description( "Enzymatic mover to connect two DNA Poses together." )
.write_complex_type_to_schema( xsd );
...implement the protected perform_reaction()
method, which modifies, adds, or
removes (a) Residue(s).
For example:
core::pose::Pose & input_pose,
core::uint const site,
std::string const & cosubstrate )
get_reactive_site_sequence_position( site ),
get_reactive_site_atom_name( site ),
cosubstrate );
Two EnzymaticMover
methods are very helpful for performing the actual
reaction, as shown in the example above: get_reactive_site_sequence_position
and get_reactive_site_atom_name
The rest of the code for any EnzymaticMover
should be simple "boiler plate"
code. The core machinery of the base class uses enzymatic data found in the
database to search for potential reaction sites. The EnzymeManager
class is used to lazily load enzyme data in a thread-safe manner as needed by
any EnzymaticMover
All enzyme data for EnzymaticMovers
should be located in the
Every child EnzymaticMover
should have a subdirectory corresponding to the
enzyme family of that Mover
, which must match the family provided to the
constructor. (See above.) For example, data for the
should be stored in database/virtual_enzymes/methylases/
Directories for each enzyme family include no files but only subdirectories
corresponding to species. Every enzyme family directory must, at minimum have an
subdirectory, because "h_sapiens" is encoded as the default species
for any EnzymaticMover
. All other subdirectories are for enzymes from
non-human sources.
Every species subdirectory must include a generic
enzyme data file as a
default example of this this family of enzymes. Generally, this data will
provide a minimal sequon, have 100% efficiency, and not be promiscuous.
Documentation created 5 April 2019 by Jason W. Labonte JWLabonte@jhu.edu. Documentation updated 26 February 2020 by Jason W. Labonte JWLabonte@jhu.edu.