Implementing a FeaturesReporter involves the following steps:

  1. Implement the FeaturesReporter class interface (see directly below). In addition to below, you can also use code_templates to generate the the class .hh and .cc files.
  2. Implement the FeaturesReporterCreator class interface (like you would for a mover).
  3. Register the FeatureReporter with the FeaturesReporterRegistrator (rosetta/main/source/src/protocols/init/init.FeaturesReporterCreators.ihh and rosetta/main/source/src/protocols/init/init.FeaturesReporterRegistrators.ihh)
  4. Add the FeatureReporter to the FeatureReporterTests (rosetta/main/source/test/protocols/features/FeaturesReporterTests.cxxtest.hh) Unit Test.
  5. Consider adding the FeatureReporter to the features integration test (rosetta/main/tests/integration/tests/features).
  6. Document the FeatureReporter in the Features Database Schema page.
  7. Add new types in organizational page

FeatureReporter Class Interface

The FeatureReporter (rosetta/main/source/src/protocols/features/FeaturesReporter.hh) base class interface has the following components, which should be implemented by a new FeaturesReporter:

Required Methods

  • type_name : Returns the a string for the type of the feature reporter
  • schema : Return SQL statements that setup tables in the database to contain the features. To support all database backends, use the schema generation framework (write_schema_to_db function).
  • report_features : Extract all features to the database

Optional Methods

  • features_reporter_dependencies : Returns a vector of the names of the features reporters that this one depends on. (In the rosetta_scripts, the ReportToDB mover enforces this dependency by requiring the FeaturesReporters listed here to be defined higher in the list.)
  • parse_my_tag : How in rosetta scripts the <Feature name=(& type_name string)/> subtag to the ReportToDB mover is parsed.
  • load_into_pose : If the data is used to initialize an aspect of a pose, put the logic here.
  • delete_records : Delete all records from the database associated with a structure.

As an example consider the PoseCommentsFeatures (rosetta/main/source/protocols/features/PoseCommentsFeatures.hh) feature reporter. Arbitrary textual information may be associated with a pose in the form of (key, val) comments (See rosetta/main/source/src/core/pose/util.hh). The PoseCommentsFeatures FeaturesReporter extracts all defined comments to a table pose_comments using the struct_id and key as the primary key. The struct_id references the the structures table that identifies each of the structures in the database.

In the report_features function, sessionOP is an owning pointer to the database where the features should be written. See the database interface for how to obtain and interact with database sessions.

PoseCommentsFeatures::type_name() const { return "PoseCommentsFeatures"; }

PoseCommentsFeatures::schema() const {
    "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pose_comments (\n"
    " struct_id INTEGER,\n"
    " key TEXT,\n"
    " value TEXT,\n"
    " FOREIGN KEY (struct_id)\n"
    " REFERENCES structures (struct_id)\n"
    " PRIMARY KEY(struct_id, key));";

  Pose const & pose,
  Size struct_id,
  sessionOP db_session
  typedef map< string, string >::value_type kv_pair;
  foreach(kv_pair const & kv, get_all_comments(pose)){
    statement stmt = (*db_session) <<
      "INSERT INTO pose_comments VALUES (?,?,?)" <<
      struct_id << kv.first << kv.second;

  return 0;
  • A FeatureReporter may optionally be constructed with a ScoreFunction. For example, see the RotamerRecoveryFeatures class (rosetta/main/source/protocols/features/RotamerRecoveryFeatures.hh).

See Also