Documentation by Christoffer Norn ( Page created 14 August 2017.

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This filter computes the hamming distance between the current pose sequence and a sequence stored in pose comments (sequence_comment_id) OR to a sequence specified directly in the XML script (target_seq). To write a previous pose sequence to pose comments use SaveSequenceToPoseMover.

Options and Usage

< SequenceDistance name=(string)

name -- A unique string by which a particular instance of the filter will be referred in a RosettaScripts XML file.

sequence_comment_id -- Comment id from which the sequence should be loaded from pose. Usually SaveSequenceToComments are used for getting a sequence earlier in the protocol into comments.

target_sequence -- Amino acid sequence to compare pose sequence to.

threshold -- The maximum hamming distance. Default 8000.

confidence -- Probability that the pose will be filtered out if it does not pass this Filter

See also