Documentation last updated on 1 August 2018 by Brian Coventry (
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Filters structures based on the number of hydrophobic residues on the target that have at least a certain hydrophobic ddG.
<InterfaceHydrophobicResidueContacts name="(&string)" target_selector="(&string)" binder_selector="(&string)" scorefxn="(&string)" threshold="(5 &int)" score_cut="(-0.5 &Real)" apolar_res="(ALA,CYS,CYD,PHE,ILE,LEU,MET,PRO,THR,VAL,TRP,TYR &string)" />
This mover looks for designs that make the most use of the target, with the hypothesis being that binders that use more of the hydrophobic residues on the target are better binders. Be careful with your target selector though! If you select extraneous hydrophobic residues, designs with the highest InterfaceHydrophobicResidueContacts will all contact those residues!