
The GALigandDock mover is meant to be used in combination with the generic-potential. It uses a genetic algorithm to sample/evolve a population of ligand conformers, and takes advantage of pre-computation of scoreterms on a grid to speed up docking.


The docking mover is exposed through the RosettaScripts application, and the XML format is quite flexible. The tag <GALigandDock> defines several options associated with the mover, mostly dealing with properties of the grid computation, but several "global" protocol options as well:

  • scorefxn - the scorefunction used in docking. gen_bonded should be on with weight 1.0!
  • scorefxn_relax - the scorefunction used in final relaxation. gen_bonded should be on with weight 1.0!
  • runmode - supports 4 runmodes each of which calls pre-defined parameters for own purpose:

An example script:

  <ScoreFunction name="dockscore" weights="beta">
    <Reweight scoretype="fa_rep" weight="0.2"/>
    <Reweight scoretype="coordinate_constraint" weight="0.1"/>
  <ScoreFunction name="relaxscore" weights="beta_cart"/>
  <GALigandDock name="dock" runmode="%%runmode%%" scorefxn="dockscore" scorefxn_relax="relaxscore" />

Example xml scripts using "runmode" argument are provided below.

Self docking Self docking, when no change in receptor conformation is expected. 1~5 repeats recommended, each takes 3~10 minutes:

  <GALigandDock name="dock" runmode="dockrigid" scorefxn="dockscore" scorefxn_relax="relaxscore" />
Cross docking When change in receptor conformation is expected. 5~10 repeats recommended, each takes 15~30 minutes:
  <GALigandDock name="dock" runmode="dockflex" scorefxn="dockscore" scorefxn_relax="relaxscore"/>
Virtual screening-High accracy Allow receptor flexibility and more rigorous entropy calculation. Single run recommended for efficiency. Each takes 10~15 minutes.
  <GALigandDock name="dock" runmode="VSH" scorefxn="dockscore" scorefxn_relax="relaxscore" nativepdb="holo.pdb"/>

Virtual screening, fast version Without receptor flexibility and simpler entropy calculation. Single run recommended for efficiency. Don't use this mode now -- under development.

  <GALigandDock name="dock" runmode="VSX" scorefxn="dockscore" scorefxn_relax="relaxscore" nativepdb="holo.pdb"/>

More advanced options:

An example shown below:

  <ScoreFunction name="dockscore" weights="beta">
    <Reweight scoretype="fa_rep" weight="0.2"/>
    <Reweight scoretype="coordinate_constraint" weight="0.1"/>
  <ScoreFunction name="relaxscore" weights="beta_cart"/>
  <GALigandDock name="dock" scorefxn="dockscore" scorefxn_relax="dock" grid_step="0.25" padding="5.0" hashsize="8.0" subhash="3" nativepdb="holo.pdb" final_exact_minimize="sc" random_oversample="10" rotprob="0.9" rotEcut="100"  sidechains="aniso" initial_pool="holo.pdb" >
      <Stage repeats="100" npool="50" pmut="0.2" smoothing="0.375" rmsdthreshold="2.0" maxiter="50" pack_cycles="100" ramp_schedule="0.1,1.0"/>

Global protocol parameters

Arguments called inside GALigandDock line:

Grid setup

  • grid_step, padding - when building a grid covering the binding pocket, use this grid spacing, and pad the area by this amount. 0.25 and 5 is recommended.
  • hashsize, subhash - Parameters controlling how the grid computation is handled. At a grid_step of 0.25, 8 and 3, respectively, lead to best performance

General parameters

  • random_oversample - oversample the initial population by this factor (recommended 10)
  • nativepdb - if given, ligand RMS will be reported in the output
  • multiple_ligands - comma-separated, provides name of ligands (appears in params file) to dock sequentially

Receptor flexibility setup

  • sidechains - sidechain optimization strategy. none: only dock ligands. auto: auto-select all pocket sidechains. aniso: autoselection logic accounting for the shape (not just center of mass) of ligand in input conformation <residue specifier> (e.g. "22A,25A"): explicit sidechain flexibility specification
  • rotprob, rotEcut, when generating rotamers to sample, use this cumulative probability and backround energy to trim set. 0.9 and 100, respectively, recommended
  • favor_native - bonus score to the input rotamer (only in grid stage), helps to preseve input sidechain rotamer
  • optimize_input_H - run optimize_H before/after docking.

Final processing

  • final_exact_minimize - optionally perform a final off-grid optimization. none: no optimization is performed. sc: sidechain optimization only is performed. bbsc: cart-min of flexible residues is performed. bbscN: cart-min of flexible residues plus N residues up and downstream
  • cartmin_lig - run quick cartmin on ligand-only before and after final_exact_relax
  • min_neighbor - also minimize neighbors while doing cartmin_lig
  • move_water - allow water molecules to move during final_exact_relax
  • fastrelax_script - provide user-custom fast relax script for final exact_minimize.
  • estimate_dG - run entropy correction at the end of run.

Reference-guided docking

  • initial_pool - manually specify a set of structures in the first generation. A comma separated list of PDBs or silent files.
  • reference_pool - either "input" or ligand pdbname(s) (separated by comma). Assigning "input" will invoke pharmacophore detection. Assigning ligand pdb(s) will allow to run reference-aligned docking.
  • reference_oversample - Sets how many times to sample over npool*reference_frac.
  • reference_frac - What fraction of npool is sampled from reference_pool.
  • reference_frac_auto - [Only for pharmacophore docking] Automatically sets reference_frac based on problem complexity.
  • use_pharmacophore - Run pharmacophore-guided docking. Input arguments with reference_pool should be compatatible. A series of <Stage> tags defines the protocol. These tags, when applied in order, define the flow of the genetic algorithm.

Per-stage control

Arguments called with separate "Stage" tags.

  • repeats, npool - the number of GA generations, and pool size for each generation.
  • pmut - mutation probability (1-pmut gives crossover prob). 0.2 recommended.
  • smoothing - "soften" grid calculations by this value (in A). For cross-docking, a value of 0.375 (with grid spacing of 0.25) gives notably better results. Note this is distinct from the repulsive ramping option below.
  • rmsdthreshold - maintain pool diversity by considering structures < this distance identical. 1.5A recommended.
  • maxiter, pack_cycles - number of minimize steps and packer cycles at each generation (50 and 100 seem to work well and run in reasonable time)
  • ramp_schedule - the repulsive ramping schedule for each generation. "0.1,1.0" seems to work well.

Inputs and outputs

The input file should be a pdb with the ligand placed approximately in the pocket to be searched. Only the center-of-mass and radius of this ligand is used by the protocol. More information can be found here.

Outputs use the RosettaScripts multi-output framework, and thus recognize any RosettaScripts output flag for controlling output. The entire ensemble is output by the mover (thus a single input will have many output structures).

Possible tricky issues:

  • The code initially idealizes and minimizes the sidechain geometry of all flexible sidechains. This can lead to two possible issues with structures that deviate significantly from ideality: 1) "initial_pool" structures that are not idealized will be slightly perturbed initially when added to the pool. 2) for input structures that are very non-ideal, this initial "correction" may lead to high energies for the input sidechain.
  • Pocket radius is defined as the input ligand radius plus the padding parameter. Caution should be paid when using very small or very large ligands, particularly with the "auto" sidechain option. For large ligands, the "aniso" option may be preferred.