
Gideon Lapidoth;; PI: Sarel J. Fleishman;



This mover is used to apply the phi, psi, and omega torsion angles from a pre-computed torsion database (see SpliceOut). onto the corresponding segment of the pose. The template PDB is used to correspond between the torsion database and current pose, therefore the template PDB and pose need to be aligned. The same template pdb used to build the torsion database should be used here.

<SpliceIn name="(&string;)" tolerance="(0.23 &real;)"
        ignore_chain_break="(false &bool;)" debug="(false &bool;)"
        min_seg="(false &bool;)" CG_const="(false &bool;)"
        rb_sensitive="(false &bool;)" chain_num="(1 &non_negative_integer;)"
        superimposed="(true &bool;)"
        skip_alignment="(false &bool;)" use_sequence_profile="(&bool;)"
        scorefxn="(&string;)" template_file="(&string;)"
        design_task_operations="(&string;)" residue_numbers_setter="(&string;)"
        torsion_database="(&string;)" database_entry="(&non_negative_integer;)"
        database_pdb_entry="(&string;)" design_shell="(6.0 &real;)"
        repack_shell="(8.0 &real;)" randomize_cut="(false &bool;)"
        cut_secondarystruc="(false &bool;)" delta_lengths="(&int_cslist;)"
        thread_original_sequence="(false &bool;)" rtmin="(true &bool;)"
        dbase_iterate="(false &bool;)" checkpointing_file="(&string;)" >
    <Segments name="(&string;)" profile_weight_away_from_interface="(1.0 &real;)"
            current_segment="(&string;)" >
        <segment name="(&string;)" pdb_profile_match="(&string;)" profiles="(&string;)" />
  • tolerance: tolernace of bond length std when checking for chain breaks
  • ignore_chain_break: if there is a chain break don't fail
  • debug: more verbose during run
  • min_seg: minimize segment after splice in?
  • CG_const: apply coordinate constraints on C-gamma atoms
  • rb_sensitive: apply rigid body addaptations
  • chain_num: which chain number to apply splice on
  • segment: segment name
  • superimposed: are thr structures superimposed
  • delete_hairpin: delete hairpin segment?
  • delete_hairpin_n: how many residues to delete on N-ter hairpin
  • delete_hairpin_c: how many residues to delete on C-ter hairpin
  • tail_segment: what direction is the tail segment
  • source_pdb_to_res: residue number of last residue on source segment
  • skip_alignment: whether to align pose to source pdb
  • use_sequence_profile: Use sequence profiles in design?
  • scorefxn: Name of score function to use
  • template_file: What is the template file to use during design
  • task_operations: A comma separated list of TaskOperations to use.
  • design_task_operations: XRW TO DO
  • residue_numbers_setter: XRW TO DO
  • torsion_database: torsion db file name
  • database_entry: choose db entry by number
  • database_pdb_entry: XRW TO DO
  • design_shell: design shell radius
  • repack_shell: packing shell radius
  • randomize_cut: should the cut be put randomly in the designed segment
  • cut_secondarystruc: put cut into ss
  • delta_lengths: comma separated list of allowed segment delta lengths
  • thread_original_sequence: thread sequence from source pdb onto design
  • rtmin: should we apply rtmin after design
  • dbase_iterate: should we iterate through the db file
  • checkpointing_file: name of checkpointing file

Subtag Segments: Wrapper for multiple segments tags

  • profile_weight_away_from_interface: XRW TO DO
  • current_segment: XRW TO DO

Subtag segment: individual segment tag

  • pdb_profile_match: XRW TO DO
  • profiles: XRW TO DO


Currently, this mover is only accessible via RosettaScripts. The new segment's conformation will be stored in test.db file. The mover "min" is used to optimize the new backbone conformation in the context of the pose.

An example RosettaScripts tag is below:

			<SpliceOut name="spliceout" source_pdb="source.pdb" torsion_database="test.db" scorefxn="talaris14" randomize_cut="1" cut_secondarystruc="0" from_res="127" to_res="199" rms_cutoff="0.25" design_shell="0.01" repack_shell="0.01" splice_filter="chainbreak_val" template_file="template.pdb" task_operations="init,rtr" debug="0" mover="min" superimposed="1"> 
 <Segments current_segment="blade4"/>