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EnzRepackMinimize, similar in spirit to RepackMinimizeMover, does the design/repack followed by minimization of a protein-ligand (or TS model) interface with enzyme design style constraints (if present, see AddOrRemoveMatchCstsMover) using specified score functions and minimization dofs. Only design/repack or minimization can be done by setting appropriate tags. A shell of residues around the ligand are repacked/designed and/or minimized. If constrained optimization or cst_opt is specified, ligand neighbors are converted to Ala, minimization performed, and original neighbor sidechains are placed back.
<EnzRepackMinimize name="&string" scorefxn_repack="(score12 &string)" scorefxn_minimize="(score12 &string)" cst_opt="(0 &bool)" design="(0 &bool)" repack_only="(0 &bool)" fix_catalytic="(0 &bool)" minimize_rb="(1 &bool)" rb_min_jumps="('' &comma-delimited list of jumps)" minimize_bb="(0 &bool)" minimize_sc="(1 &bool)" minimize_lig="(0 & bool)" min_in_stages="(0 &bool)" backrub="(0 &bool)" cycles="(1 &integer)" task_operations="(comma separated string list)"/>