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This mover runs Monte Carlo (MC) simulation in isothermal-isobaric (NPT) condition on a periodic boundary box. Can be applied to a broad range of (small molecules) to extract their thermodynamic properties. Currently it has been applied to running liquid-state simulation of small molecules; see Park et al (2016), "Simultaneous optimization of biomolecular energy function on features from small molecules and macromolecules", JCTC. Details will be added more in near future.
<PeriodicBoxMover name=(&string) scorefxn=(&string)
nmol_side=(5 &Size) nsteps_equilibrate=(500000 &Size) nsteps_sim=(1000000 &Size)
vol_step=(40.0 &Real) rot_step=(15.0 &Real) tor_step=(15.0 &Real) resize_vol_every=(&Size)
temp=(160.0 &Real) pressure=(1.0 &Real) correct_LJtruncation=(false &bool)
report_scorefile=(&string) dump_every=(0 &Size) report_every=(0 &Size) report_thermodynamics=(0 &Size)
initial_density=(1.0 &Real) istart=(0 &Size) />