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Initialize the runtime environment for Poisson-Boltzmann solver. It allows keeping track of protein mutations to minimize the number of PB evaluations.
Currently the feature is only supported by the ddG mover and filter.
[ Prerequisites ]
Baker NA, Sept D, Joseph S, Holst MJ, McCammon JA. Electrostatics of
nanosystems: application to microtubules and the ribosome. Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. USA 98, 10037-10041 2001. (Link)
Robert Konecny, Nathan A. Baker and J. Andrew McCammon,
iAPBS: a programming interface to Adaptive Poisson-Boltzmann Solver
(APBS), Computational Science & Discovery, 2012, 5, 015005 (preprint).
The iAPBS development is supported by grants from the National Center for
Research Resources (5P41RR008605-19) and the National Institute of General
Medical Sciences (8P41GM103426-19) from the National Institutes of Health.
Build Rosetta with extras=apbs argument. This will cause linking your app against the APBS/iAPBS libraries.
Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/rosetta/Rosetta/main/source/external/apbs/apbs-1.4-rosetta/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
[ Usage ]
<SetupPoissonBoltzmannPotential name="pb_setup" scorefxn="sc12_pb" charged_chains="1" epsilon="2.0" sidechain_only="true" revamp_near_chain="2" potential_cap="20.0" apbs_debug="2" calcenergy="false"/>
Warning: Pay attention to those movers or filters that prescore when their XML definitions appear & are parsed withint your script file. Use SavePoseMover to defer their prescoring timing. One filter that is known to-day is DeltaDdg filter. It evalutates the scorefxn when the definiton appears in the XML script. Here's how you have it defer and make PB works.
[ Example ]
<ScoreFunction name="sc12_pb" weights="score12_full" patch="pb_elec"/>
<SetupPoissonBoltzmannPotential name="pb_setup" charged_chains="1" scorefxn="sc12_pb" />
<SavePoseMover name="save_after_pb_setup" reference_name="pose_after_setup"/>
<Ddg name="ddg" scorefxn="sc12_pb" confidence="0" repeats="1"/>
<Delta name="delta_ddg" filter="ddg" reference_name="pose_after_setup" lower="0" upper="1" range="-0.5"/> # defers scoring till the ref pose is saved
<Add mover_name="pb_setup"/> # init PB
<Add mover_name="save_after_pb_setup"/> # save the reference pose
<Add filter_name="delta_ddg"/>
Protein mutation is monitored for both bounded or unbounded states, and a pose is cached for each state, across all scoring functions by default. If you need to cache different poses depending upon scorefxn, you need to customize the tags associated with cached poses using <Set> for scorefxns.
<ScoreFunction name="sc12_pb" weights="score12_full" patch="pb_elec">
<Set pb_bound_tag="MyBound"/> # cache pose as "MyBound"
<Set pb_unbound_tag="MyUnbound"/> # cache pose as "MyUnbound"
The default values are "bound" and "unbound", respectively.