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Creates a residue subset by applying the user-specified residue selector to the current pose and saves the subset in the pose's cacheable data, allowing the subset to be accessed (unchanged) at a later point in the protocol. Must be used in conjunction with the StoredResidueSubset residue selector.
Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:
<StoreResidueSubset name="(&string;)" residue_selector="(&string;)"
subset_name="(&string;)" overwrite="(&bool;)" />
<StoreResidueSubset name="(&string)" subset_name="(&string)" residue_selector="(&string)" overwrite="(0 &bool)" />
<!-- Creates a subset consisting of whatever is currently chain B -->
<Chain name="chainb" chains="B" />
<!-- Retrieves the residue subset created by the "StoreResidueSubset" mover -->
<StoredResidueSubset name="get_original_chain_b" subset_name="original_chain_b" />
<!-- stores a subset consisting of whatever is in chain B when this mover is called -->
<StoreResidueSubset name="store_subset" residue_selector="chainb" subset_name="original_chain_b" />