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This Mover applies the scorefunction to your pose. Simple, but sometimes that's what you need!
Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:
This Mover applies the scorefunction to your pose
<ScoreMover name="(&string;)" scorefxn="(&string;)" verbose="(&bool;)" />
Note this Mover automatically looks for a native pose to RMSD against. If it finds one, it calculates a bunch of CASP-y stuff via setPoseExtraScore:
This mover looks for -loops::loopscores
. It then runs "loops::addScoresForLoopParts" - which is guess is a slice of scores for just the loops?
This mover looks for -evaluation::score_exclude_res
and then will print the PoseExtraScore "select_score" of what this author assumes is the remaining residues.