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Jared Adolf-Bryfogle;; PI: Roland Dunbrack
Part of the RosettaAntibody and RosettaAntibodyDesign (RAbD) Framework
Graft CDR loops from one structure to another, optionally optimize CDRs and neighbor CDRs of the grafted one.
Results in 100 percent loop closure if using both graft graft movers (where peptide bond geometries of both ends are checked relative to ideal values).
Closes loops using the CCDEndsGraftMover and optionally the AnchoredGraftMover. Optionally optimizes using dihedral constrained relaxed on the CDR loops (general - not cluster-based for now). ( CDRDihedralConstraintMover , FastRelaxMover ).
By default, uses two residues on N and C terminal of insert CDR and scaffold to close loop and stops after the graft is closed.
Can graft/optimize the DE loop - known here as proto_l4 / l4 and proto_h4. If grafting L1, it is highly recommended to optimize or even graft the DE loop (optimization of the DE loop is on by default).
This Mover will take care of all deletion of regions, copying coords, etc so no pre-prep of either structure is necessary.
Used if optimize_cdrs option is given. Neighbors of CDRs are defined as follows. Will add grafted CDRs and neighbor CDRs to be optimized if optimization is enabled. DE/CDR4 can be turned off by setting the option optimize_cdr4_if_neighbor to false.
Neighbor CDRs.
L1 - L2 L3 L4
L2 - L1 L4
L3 - L1 H3
L4 - L1 L2
H1 - H2 H3 H4
H2 - H1 H4
H3 - H1 L3
H4 - H1 H2
<AntibodyCDRGrafter name="grafter" cdrs="(&string,&string)" numbering_scheme="(&string)" cdr_definition="(&string)" donor_structure_from_pdb="(&string)" use_secondary_graft_mover(&bool) optimize_cdrs(&bool) optimize_cdr4_if_neighbor(&bool) scorefxn="s"/>