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Growing Glycans in Rosetta: Accurate de novo glycan modeling, density fitting, and rational sequon design Jared Adolf-Bryfogle, J. W Labonte, J. C Kraft, M. Shapavolov, S. Raemisch, T. Lutteke, F. Dimaio, C. D Bahl, J. Pallesen, N. P King, J. J Gray, D. W Kulp, W. R Schief bioRxiv 2021.09.27.462000;
Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:
Author: Jared Adolf-Bryfogle ( This is the RMSD for each residue between the input and the set comparison pose. If native is set on the cmd-line and use_native is true, we will use that. Default is to calculate all_heavy atoms - but this can be set . Make sure that reference pose and set pose are the same length . We match all corresponding atoms for each residue to match. By default we do not fail and are robust - only matching what we can for each residue.
<PerResidueRMSDMetric name="(&string;)" custom_type="(&string;)"
output_as_pdb_nums="(false &bool;)" residue_selector="(&string;)"
residue_selector_ref="(&string;)" residue_selector_super="(&string;)"
residue_selector_super_ref="(&string;)" robust="(true &bool;)"
use_native="(false &bool;)" super="(false &bool;)"
rmsd_type="(&rmsd_types;)" desymmetrize_selector="(true &bool;)" />
ResidueSummaryMetric: Summarize a PerResidueRealMetric in various ways, such as the mean, sum, or the number of residues above, below, or equal to a certain value.
RunSimpleMetrics: Run a set of SimpleMetrics and output data to the scorefile