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Growing Glycans in Rosetta: Accurate de novo glycan modeling, density fitting, and rational sequon design Jared Adolf-Bryfogle, J. W Labonte, J. C Kraft, M. Shapavolov, S. Raemisch, T. Lutteke, F. Dimaio, C. D Bahl, J. Pallesen, N. P King, J. J Gray, D. W Kulp, W. R Schief bioRxiv 2021.09.27.462000;
Modified 20 December 2018 by Vikram K. Mulligan ( to add more output options.
Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:
Author: Jared Adolf-Bryfogle ( A metric for measuring ... and adding it to the resulting score file.
References and author information for the SequenceMetric simple metric:
SequenceMetric SimpleMetric's author(s): Jared Adolf-Bryfogle, Scripps Research Institute Vikram K. Mulligan, Systems Biology, Center for Computational Biology, Flatiron Institute
<SequenceMetric name="(&string;)" custom_type="(&string;)"
three_letter="(false &bool;)"
output_mode="(oneletter &SequenceMetric_output_modes;)"
residue_selector="(&string;)" />
Note that the three_letter
option has been deprecated in favour of the output_mode
option, which provides the options "oneletter", "threeletter", "basename", or "fullname". Examples of each are given below. Note that the distinctions are particularly important for noncanonicals: some noncanonicals, such as ornithine, don't have a separate three-letter code for the D-equivalent.
Output type | Example |
oneletter | RSTLNEXXYYS |
fullname | ARG:NtermProteinFull,SER,THR,LEU,ASN,GLU,ORN,DORN,DTYR,TYR,DSER:CtermProteinFull |