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For use when designing with symmetric building blocks. Prevents repacking at residues that are: 1) distant from the inter-building block interface, or 2) near the inter-building block interface, but also make intra-building block interface contacts that are not clashing.

  <BuildingBlockInterface name="(&string)" nsub_bblock="(1 &Size)" sym_dof_names="" &string) contact_dist="(10.0 &Real)" bblock_dist="(5.0 &Real)" fa_rep_cut="(3.0 &Real)" />
  • nsub_bblock - The number of subunits in the symmetric building block (e.g., 3 for a trimer). This option is not needed for multicomponent systems.
  • sym_dof_names - Names of the sym_dofs corresponding to the symmetric building blocks. (Eventually replace the need for this option by having is_singlecomponent or is_multicomponent utility functions). If no sym_dof_names are specified, then they will be extracted from the pose.
  • contact_dist - Residues with beta carbons not within this distance of any beta carbon from another building block are prevented from repacking.
  • bblock_dist - The all-heavy atom cutoff distance used to specify residues that are making inter-subunit contacts within the building block. Because these residues are making presumably important intra-building block interactions, they are prevented from repacking unless they are clashing.
  • fa_rep_cut - The cutoff used to determine whether residues making inter-subunit contacts within the building block are clashing.

See Also