Note: Brian did not have enough time to write this page. Remind him of this and he will fix it.
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Eliminate rotamers that contain a sidechain buried unsat and make no other sidechain h-bonds. Typically used with VBUNS (see buried unsat filter) and the approximate_buried_unsat_penalty.
<PruneBuriedUnsats name="(&string)" allow_even_trades="(&bool, false)" atomic_depth_probe_radius="(&Real, 2.3)" atomic_depth_resolution="(&Real, 0.5)" atomic_depth_cutoff="(&Real, 4.5)" minimum_hbond_energy="(&Real, -0.2)" />
If using the approximate_buried_unsat_penalty, it would be wise to set this to the same parameters as that.
This task operation does not currently support symmetric poses.