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Jared Adolf-Bryfogle;; PI: Roland Dunbrack
Part of the RosettaAntibody and RosettaAntibodyDesign (RAbD) Framework
Add Cluster-based CDR Profiles as the task operation for the set of CDRs by default. Uses the ResidueProbDesignOperation to sample the CDR Cluster profile based on the probability distribution for the CDR clusters. Multiple rounds of packing are recommended to sample on the distributions. CDR definitions used are North/Dunbrack as the clusters are defined using it. By default ALL CDRs are set for sampling.
Each time a task is generated, it will choose one amino acid from the set for that position and add it to (or replace) the set of packable residues chosen for that position. Decreases number of rotamers for packing and the space for design. Instead of using energy for profiles, we use selection of residues through probabilities at each task generation. If the picking_rounds option is set at > 1, is higher it can result in more than one additional residue in the task from the native and increase variability of potential designs.
If Cluster-based profiles cannot be used, will use the fallback strategy. This can happen if the the CDR is of an unknown cluster or there is too little data about the cluster to use profiles.
This TaskOperation is not currently recommended for H3 as it does not cluster well.
(Not currently RS enabled) Optionally sample whole CDR sequences (using integrated AddCDRProfileSetsOperation] via the primary strategy of:
<AddCDRProfilesOperation cdrs="(&string,&string)" numbering_scheme="(&string)" include_native_restype="(&bool, true)" picking_rounds="(&size, 1)"/>