Generating de novo backbones (or Assemblys) in the SEWING framework is accomplished by a simple graph traversal. The nodes in this graph, called the SewGraph, are the Models extracted in Step 1 of the protocol. The edges are the structural matches found in Step 2 of SEWING. Assembly of backbones is implemented within a Mover, and thus can be accessed via the RosettaScripts interface. There are currently several Movers implemented, each designed to accomplish different design goals. The base AssemblyMover has a handful of core methods which are selectively implemented or overwritten by the various sub-movers.
The AssemblyMover is the abstract base class from which all other AssemblyMovers derive (not necessarily directly). In essence, this class has some basic methods implemented that make it easier to build Assemblies from the SewGraph, and to then create Poses from those Assemblies. A few of the relevant functions are outlined below:
The following flags apply to all SEWING movers (see below) except when noted. Mover-specific flags are documented on the individual Mover pages.
-s The input PDB (ignored, but still required,
for many SEWING Movers)
-sewing:model_file_name The name of the SEWING model file
-sewing:score_file_name The name of the SEWING edge file
In the current implementation, the following flags are also required for scoring SEWING Assemblies using the MotifScore and are shown with their recommended values:
-mh:match:ss1 true # for "explicit" motifs that get dumped at the end,
match target SS
-mh:match:ss2 true # for "explicit" motifs that get dumped at the end,
match binder SS
-mh:match:aa1 false # for "explicit" motifs that get dumped at the end,
match target AA
-mh:match:aa2 false # for "explicit" motifs that get dumped at the end,
match binder AA
-mh:score:use_ss1 true # applicable only to BB_BB motifs; match
secondary structure on first (target) res
-mh:score:use_ss2 true # applicable only to BB_BB motifs; match
secondary structure on second (binder) res
-mh:score:use_aa1 false # applicable only to BB_BB motifs; match AA
identity on first (target) res
-mh:score:use_aa2 false # applicable only to BB_BB motifs; match AA
identity on second (binder) res"
-mh:path:motifs Path to .gz file containing motifs used in motifscore
-mh:path:scores_BB_BB Path to directory containing database used
for generating MotifScores
-mh:gen_reverse_motifs_on_load false # I think the inverse motifs are already in the datafiles
-mh::dump::max_rms 0.4
-mh::dump::max_per_res 20
-sewing:assembly_type generate The type of Assembly to generate
(allows 'continuous' and 'discontinuous')
-sewing:base_native_bonus The bonus in Rosetta energy units to give
'native' residues during design (default 1)
-sewing:neighbor_cutoff The cutoff for favoring natives. Any residue
with fewer neighbors in the Assembly will not
be favored (default: 16)
-sewing:skip_refinement If true, no full-atom refinement will be run on the
completed Assembly (Default = false)
-sewing:skip_filters If true, all filters will be skipped during Assembly
generation (Default = false)
-sewing:dump_every_model Dump all models regardless of whether they
pass score filters; useful for debugging
(Default false)
-sewing:max_ss_num Maximum number of secondary structure
elements and loops that compose
a substructure. For instance, this
number would be 3 for a helix-turn-helix
motif. (still under development)
-sewing:num_edges_to_follow The maximum number of edges from the SewGraph
that will be followed. For instance, following
4 edges in a graph of helix-loop-helix motifs
will produce a 5-helix bundle. Currently not in
use, and applies only to NodeConstraintAssemblyMover.
Most SEWING movers (except RepeatAssemblyMover) accept subtags imposing restrictions on the assembly and/or individual segments. These subtags are described on the RequirementSet page.