Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

Adds constraints specifying strand pairs in beta sheets

<SheetConstraintGenerator name="(&string;)" blueprint="(&string;)"
        secstruct="(&dssp_string;)" spairs="(&string;)"
        flat_bottom_constraints="(true &bool;)" dist="(5.5 &real;)"
        dist_tolerance="(1.0 &real;)" angle_tolerance="(0.35 &real;)"
        cacb_dihedral_tolerance="(0.9 &real;)"
        bb_dihedral_tolerance="(0.52 &real;)" weight="(1.0 &real;)"
        use_dssp="(false &bool;)" />
  • blueprint: Path to blueprint file specifying strand pairing
  • secstruct: String specifying secondary structure for the pose
  • spairs: String specifying strand pairing
  • flat_bottom_constraints: Use flat-bottom constraints?
  • dist: Desired distance between strands
  • dist_tolerance: Tolerance in distance between strands
  • angle_tolerance: Tolerance in angle between strands
  • cacb_dihedral_tolerance: Tolerance in Ca-Cb dihedral angle (in radians)
  • bb_dihedral_tolerance: Tolerance in backbone dihedral angle constraint (in radians)
  • weight: Weight to use for these constraints
  • use_dssp: Use DSSP to determine secondary structure?