Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

LigandAreas are used to define InterfaceBuilders which in turn are used to define MoveMapBuilders.

<LigandArea name="(&string;)" chain="(&char;)" cutoff="(&real;)"
        Calpha_restraints="(&real;)" minimize_ligand="(&real;)"
        tether_ligand="(&real;)" add_nbr_radius="(&bool;)"
        all_atom_mode="(&bool;)" high_res_angstroms="(&real;)"
        high_res_degrees="(&real;)" />
  • chain: (REQUIRED) The ligand's chain
  • cutoff: (REQUIRED) The distance cutoff from the ligand
  • Calpha_restraints: Size of one standard deviation (in Angstroms) for restraints on C-alphas
  • minimize_ligand: Size of one standard deviation (in degrees) for ligand torsion angles used by the ResidueTorsionRestraints class to create CircularHarmonic restraints on the ligand dihedrals during minimization to keep these dihedrals near their starting conformation
  • tether_ligand: The standard deviation (in Angstroms) used by the HighResDocker to create coordinate constraints on the ligand's neighbor atom
  • add_nbr_radius: (REQUIRED) Used by an InterfaceBuilder for deciding how to define the distance threshold between the ligand and the protein's residues. If this is 'true', then the neighbor radius of the protein residue is added into the LigandArea's 'cutoff' parameter. If this is 'false', then the 'cutoff' parameteris used unaltered
  • all_atom_mode: (REQUIRED) When deciding whether a protein residue is sufficiently close to the ligand, should the distance between the protein residue's neighbor atom and every atom in the ligand be measured? If not, then only the ligand's neighbor atom will be used in that decision.
  • high_res_angstroms: The euclidean perturbation magnitude, in Angstroms, used by the HighResDocker
  • high_res_degrees: The rotational perturbation magnitude, in degrees, used by the HighResDocker