Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

Use this element to define a series of loops in subtags, one loop per subtag

<Loops name="(&string;)" >
    <loop start="(&non_negative_integer;)" stop="(&non_negative_integer;)"
            cut="(0 &non_negative_integer;)" skip_rate="(0.0 &real;)"
            extended="(false &bool;)" />

Subtag loop:

  • start: (REQUIRED) The residue index (pose numbering) for the first position in the loop.
  • stop: (REQUIRED) The residue index (pose numbering) for the last position in the loop.
  • cut: The residue index (pose numbering) for the cutpoint residue (i.e. the cut residue will be the lower end of the chain break, and the cut+1 residue will be the upper end of the chain break). If a zero value is given, it will be interpretted as saying that the cutpoint should be chosen using the logic in protocols::loops::Loop::choose_cutpoint
  • skip_rate: The probability that you would like the loop will be skipped by the IndependentLoopMover; a value less than zero means never skip, a value greater than one means always skip
  • extended: If set to true, then the initial backbone dihedrals for the loop will be overwritten to produce an extended conformation (i.e. phi=-150 degres, psi=150, omego=180) and the bond angles and lengths will be idealized