Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

Replace or add chains to a pose from other PDBs

<AddChain name="(&string;)" random_access="(false &bool;)"
        update_PDBInfo="(true &bool;)" file_name="(&string;)"
        spm_reference_name="(&string;)" new_chain="(true &bool;)"
        swap_chain_number="(0 &non_negative_integer;)" scorefxn="(&string;)" />
  • random_access: if true randomly choose one file name from a list and work with that throughout the run.
  • update_PDBInfo: When true (default) it will reset the PDBInfo of the merged pose, residue count starting from 1 on the first chain, chains starting from A. PDB numbering starting from 1 in each chain. When false, it will merge the info from the two PDBInfos from each Pose by appending the second one to the first one. If both Poses have the same chain name, they will keep it (with the expected issues); be aware of that when setting this option to false. This option is always true when swap_chain_number is called.
  • file_name: Either a path to the file to read chains from, or a comma-separated list of such if random_access is true.
  • spm_reference_name: The name of a pose saved with SavePoseMover. Use this instead of file_name
  • new_chain: There is some interaction between swap_chain_number and new_chain; probably you can use only one. add as a new chain?
  • swap_chain_number: There is some interaction between swap_chain_number and new_chain; probably you can use only one. swap chain with specified chain number
  • scorefxn: Name of score function to use