Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

Adds either a String/Real or String/String pair to the JD2 Job for output

<AddJobPairData name="(&string;)" value_type="(&value_type_type;)"
        key="(&string;)" value="(&string;)" value_from_ligand_chain="(&char;)" />
  • value_type: (REQUIRED) type of value to add; must be 'string' or 'real'
  • key: (REQUIRED) the string name for this item
  • value: Value to report; Of 'value' and 'value_from_ligand_chain', you must specify exactly one.
  • value_from_ligand_chain: This should be a single letter describing the chain to get a value from. It queries using the key.Of 'value' and 'value_from_ligand_chain', you must specify exactly one.