Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

Mover which adds ResidueCouplingConstraints which favors residue types such, that co-evolving residue pairs are retained during resign.To enable the constraint type the res_type_linking_constraint term must be reweighted.This mover was developed for compatibility with the Gremlin tensor format consisting of the tensor (bin) and an index file

<AddResidueCouplingConstraint name="(&string;)" tensor_file="(&string;)"
        index_file="(&string;)" strength="(1.0 &real;)"
        alphabet="(ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV- &string;)" />
  • tensor_file: (REQUIRED) Path to the co-evolution tensor file
  • index_file: Index file indicating residue positions in the tensor (used by Gremlin)
  • strength: Strength factor, gets multiplied with the eo-evolution value (tensor cell)
  • alphabet: Alphabet order of the tensor. The default is the Gremlin alphabet.