Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:


<AtomCoordinateCstMover name="(&string;)" coord_dev="(0.5 &real;)"
        bounded="(false &bool;)" bound_width="(0 &real;)"
        sidechain="(false &bool;)" flip_hnq="(false &bool;)"
        native="(false &bool;)" func_groups="(&bool;)"
        packer_palette="(&named_packer_palette;)" />
  • coord_dev: the strength/deviation of the constraints to use
  • bounded: whether to use harmonic (false) or bounded (true) constraints
  • bound_width: the width of the bounded constraint (e.g. -relax::coord_cst_width)
  • sidechain: whether to constrain just the backbone heavy atoms (false) or all heavy atoms (true)
  • flip_hnq: XRW TO DO
  • native: if true, use the pose from -in:file:native as the reference instead of the pose at apply time
  • func_groups: f true, will apply coordinate constraints on the functional atoms of the constraints residues.
  • task_operations: A comma-separated list of TaskOperations to use.
  • packer_palette: A previously-defined PackerPalette to use, which specifies the set of residue types with which to design (to be pruned with TaskOperations).