Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

A PlacementAuctionMover pays increasing prices to put hotspots in place on a chain

<Auction name="(&string;)" chain_to_design="(2 &non_negative_integer;)"
        max_cb_dist="(3.0 &real;)" cb_force="(0.5 &real;)"
        stubscorefxn="(backbone_stub_constraint &string;)"
        reference_name="(&string;)" >
    <StubSets >
        <Add stubfile="(&string;)" />
  • chain_to_design: Chain where design ought to be performed, numbered sequentially from 1
  • max_cb_dist: Maximum distance from ideal placement that is nonetheless considered a hit
  • cb_force: Force to apply to CB atoms
  • stubscorefxn: Scoring function to apply to the stubs being placed
  • reference_name: The reference pose to use for finalizing the stub sets (defaults to input pose).

Subtag StubSets: A container for tags that indicate stubfiles to be loaded

Subtag Add:

  • stubfile: (REQUIRED) File that has stubs in it