Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

Backrub for off-rotamer sidechains

<BackrubSidechain name="(&string;)" pivot_residues="(&string;)"
        task_factory="(&string;)" packer_palette="(&named_packer_palette;)"
        prob_uniform="(0.0 &real;)" prob_withinrot="(0.0 &real;)"
        prob_random_pert_current="(0.0 &real;)"
        preserve_detailed_balance="(false &bool;)"
        require_mm_bend="(true &bool;)" record_statistics="(&bool;)"
        statistics_fileame="(brsc_stats.txt &string;)" />
  • pivot_residues: residues for which contiguous stretches can contain segments (comma separated) can use PDB numbers ([resnum][chain]) or absolute Rosetta numbers (integer)
  • task_operations: A comma-separated list of TaskOperations to use.
  • task_factory: A TaskFactory specification to use.
  • packer_palette: A previously-defined PackerPalette to use, which specifies the set of residue types with which to design (to be pruned with TaskOperations).
  • prob_uniform: probability of a uniform move - all sidechain chis are uniformly randomized between -180 degrees and 180 degrees
  • prob_withinrot: within rotamer - sidechain chis are picked from the Dunbrack distribution for the current rotamer
  • prob_random_pert_current: random perturbation of current position - the current sidechain chis are perturbed +/- 10 degrees from their current positions, biased by the resulting Dunbrack energy. Note that if your score function contains a Dunbrack energy term, this will result in double counting issues.
  • preserve_detailed_balance: if set to true, does not change branching atom angles during apply and sets ideal branch angles during initialization if used with MetropolisHastings
  • require_mm_bend: if true and used with MetropolisHastings, will exit if mm_bend is not in the score function
  • record_statistics: Write histogram of MC scores to statistics_file
  • statistics_fileame: Name of file where statistics are being dumped into