Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

Build a structure in centroid from a blueprint given an input pdb.

<BluePrintBDR name="(&string;)" blueprint="(&string;)"
        ss_from_blueprint="(true &bool;)" scorefxn="(&string;)"
        use_sequence_bias="(false &bool;)" use_abego_bias="(false &bool;)"
        constraints_NtoC="(-1.0 &real;)" constraint_sheet="(-1.0 &real;)"
        constraint_file="(&string;)" dump_pdb_when_fail="(&string;)"
        loop_mover="(&string;)" rmdl_attempts="(1 &non_negative_integer;)"
        use_poly_val="(1 &non_negative_integer;)"
        constraint_generators="(&string;)" keep_fold_tree="(false &bool;)"
        invrot_tree="(&string;)" />
  • blueprint: (REQUIRED) Name of blueprint file.
  • ss_from_blueprint: Use secondary structure assignment in blueprint file.
  • scorefxn: Name of score function to use
  • use_sequence_bias: pick fragment using sequence information
  • use_abego_bias: pick fragment using abego torsion information
  • constraints_NtoC: constrain N- and C- terminal
  • constraint_sheet: constrain Ca atoms in beta-sheet
  • constraint_file: Coordinate constraint file name.
  • dump_pdb_when_fail: Output pdb when the protocol fails
  • loop_mover: Loop mover for rebuilding loops
  • rmdl_attempts: number of allowed closure attempts of RemodelLoopMover
  • use_poly_val: entire sequence except for rebuilding parts become poly-Valine
  • constraint_generators: Use previously defined ConstraintGenerator movers
  • keep_fold_tree: Keep fold tree during variable length building.
  • invrot_tree: Invert rotamers, if folding up around a ligand. Like in enzyme design.