Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:


<CloseFold name="(&string;)" fa_scorefxn="(&string;)" cen_scorefxn="(&string;)"
        fragments="(&string;)" add_chainbreakterm="(1 &bool;)"
        cutpoint_based="(1 &bool;)" use_kic="(0 &bool;)" idealize="(1 &bool;)"
        use_ccd="(1 &bool;)" trials_ccd="(3 &non_negative_integer;)"
        secstrct="(&string;)" template_pdb="(&string;)" chain_num="(&string;)" >
    <Seeds begin="(&string;)" end="(&string;)" />
  • fa_scorefxn: Name of score function to use
  • cen_scorefxn: Name of score function to use
  • fragments: (REQUIRED) Name of fragment file for fragment-based loop modeling.
  • add_chainbreakterm: Penalize chain break in score calculation.
  • cutpoint_based: Use cutpoint during loop moelding.
  • use_kic: Use KIC for loop modeling.
  • idealize: Sample only ideal bb torsions. Faster. idealize="false" is being ignored!
  • use_ccd: Use CCD for loop modeling.
  • trials_ccd: XRW TO DO
  • secstrct: File with secondary struct assignment for each residue in chain(s)
  • template_pdb: Template pdb file
  • chain_num: Comma-separated list of chain IDs. NOTE: chains have to be consecutive

Subtag Seeds:

  • begin: (REQUIRED) Beginning of seed fragments (residue number)
  • end: (REQUIRED) End of seed fragment (residue number)