Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

ComputeLigandRDF computes Radial Distribution Functions using pairs of protein-protein or protein-ligand atoms.

<ComputeLigandRDF name="(&string;)" ligand_chain="(&string;)"
        bin_count="(100 &non_negative_integer;)" smoothing_factor="(100 &real;)"
        range="(10 &real;)" mode="(&pocket_or_interface;)" >
    <RDF function Tag ... />
  • ligand_chain: (REQUIRED) Chain ID of the ligand.
  • bin_count: Number of bins to represent the distribution, default=100
  • smoothing_factor: Set smoothing factor. Default=100.
  • range: Max distance to include in RDF (radius). Defaut=10 Angstroms
  • mode: (REQUIRED) interface mode: RDF is computed using all ligand atoms and all protein atoms within 10 Angstroms of the ligandpocket mode; RDF is computed using all protein atoms within 10 Angstroms of the ligand.

"RDF function Tag": Any of the RDF Functions