Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

The mover samples new protein conformations in two steps: 1) Rigid-body perturbation of SSEs with optional dihedrals change through fragments insertion, 2) Fragments-based loops closure and modeling

<ConfChangeMover name="(&string;)" template_pose="(NONE &string;)"
        stage1_scorefunction="(&string;)" stage2_scorefunction="(&string;)"
        stage1_moves="(10000 &non_negative_integer;)"
        stage1_move_restoring_segs="(0 &non_negative_integer;)"
        modify_segments="(&string;)" add_segments="(&string;)"
        stage1_rigid_residues="(NONE &string;)"
        stage1_multi_sse_freq="(0.5 &real;)" stage1_frag_freq="(0.5 &real;)"
        stage1_twist_freq="(0.2 &real;)" stage1_temperature="(1.0 &real;)"
        stage1_residues="(AUTO &string;)" stage2_residues="(AUTO &string;)"
        stage2_residues_no_dihedral_csts="(NONE &string;)"
        rotation_stdev="(10 &real;)" translation_stdev="(1.0 &real;)"
        stage2_moves="(1000 &non_negative_integer;)"
        stage2_segment_freq="(0.25 &real;)" stage2_targgaps_freq="(0.5 &real;)"
        stage2_temperature="(1.0 &real;)"
        stage2_models="(1 &non_negative_integer;)" frags3="(&string;)"
        frags9="(&string;)" />
  • template_pose: Template pose for restraints generation (optional)
  • stage1_scorefunction: Stage1 scorefunction
  • stage2_scorefunction: Stage2 scorefunction
  • stage1_moves: Number of moves to apply in stage 1
  • stage1_move_restoring_segs: At this stage1 move, SSEs automatically calculated with DSSP will be restored. This option is useful to split stage1 sampling in domain movements followed by SSEs movements (optional)
  • modify_segments: comma separated list of SSEs to modify in the format segIndex-firstRes-lastRes. The list of DSSP-calculated SSEs is printed during runtime (optional)
  • add_segments: comma separated list of new SSEs (missing in the list) to add in the format firstRes-lastRes (optional)
  • stage1_rigid_residues: comma separated list of residue selectors that should collectively be treated as rigid bodies during stage 1 (optional)
  • stage1_multi_sse_freq: Frequency from 0 to 1 of simultaneous multi-SSE moves
  • stage1_frag_freq: Frequency from 0 to 1 of PDB-derived fragments insertion moves in stage1
  • stage1_twist_freq: Frequency from 0 to 1 of helical moves
  • stage1_temperature: Temperature used for Monte Carlo Metropolis criterion
  • stage1_residues: Residue selector to apply in stage1 (AUTO=detect automatically)
  • stage2_residues: Residue selector to apply in stage2 (AUTO=detect automatically)
  • stage2_residues_no_dihedral_csts: Residue selector on which dihedral constraints won't be applied in stage2
  • rotation_stdev: Rotation angle (standard deviation) applied to SSEs
  • translation_stdev: Translation distance (standard deviation) applied to SSEs
  • stage1_minimization: Minimize during stage 1 (default False)
  • stage2_moves: Number of moves to apply in stage 2
  • stage2_segment_freq: Frequency from 0 to 1 of segment insertion moves with segments derived from input conformation
  • stage2_targgaps_freq: Frequency from 0 to 1 of targeting chain-breaks, higher freq means less diversification of loop regions
  • stage2_temperature: Temperature used for Monte Carlo Metropolis criterion
  • stage2_models: number of models that will be generated in stage2. Models will differ only in the stage2 sampling (optional)
  • frags3: 3-mer fragment file for fragments insertion. Automatically calculated if no file is provided
  • frags9: 9-mer fragment file for fragments insertion. Automatically calculated if no file is provided