Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

Adds constraints from a constraint file to the pose.

<ConstraintSetMover name="(&string;)" cst_file="(&string;)"
        cst_fa_file="(&string;)" cst_map_file="(&string;)"
        add_constraints="(false &bool;)" />
  • cst_file: (implicitly centroid compatible) constraint file; attempts to autodetect if pose is centroid and uses these
  • cst_fa_file: (implicitly fullatom compatible) constraint file; attempts to autodetect if pose is fullatom and uses these. If not supplied, uses the value in cst_file
  • cst_map_file: A file to map constraint sets to input tags. With one entry per line, the format is: /path/to/cst/file.cst tag
  • add_constraints: if True, ADD these constraints to the existing ConstraintSet in the Pose; if False, REPLACE the constraints in the Pose with these.