Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

Generates a contact map between specified regions

<ContactMap name="(&string;)" distance_cutoff="(&real;)" prefix="(&string;)"
        reset_count="(true &bool;)" models_per_file="(&non_negative_integer;)"
        row_format="(false &bool;)" distance_matrix="(false &bool;)"
        ligand="(&contact_map_region_string;)" reference_name="(&string;)" />
  • distance_cutoff: Maximum distance between two atoms that will be considered a contact
  • prefix: Prefix for output filenames
  • reset_count: Should the count be reset to zero after outputting the contact map to a file?
  • models_per_file: Number of models to output per file
  • row_format: Should the output be in row format instead of matrix format?
  • distance_matrix: Store distances of contacts in matrix
  • region1: Region definition for region1 of the contact map in format start-end or chainID
  • region2: Region definition for region2 of the contact map
  • ligand: Sequence position or chainID of a ligand
  • reference_name: Reference pose to use when building the initial contact map description (defaults to input pose).