Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

Add coordinate constraints to the pose based on parsed spans or residues.Currently it only adds CA constraints

<CoordinateCst name="(&string;)" stddev="(0.5 &real;)" atom="(CA &string;)"
        anchor_atom="(&string;)" anchor_res="(&string;)"
        jump="(0 &non_negative_integer;)" >
    <span begin="(&string;)" end="(&string;)" />
    <Seeds begin="(&string;)" end="(&string;)" />
    <residue residue="(&string;)" />
  • stddev: stedev for the constraint function
  • atom: which atom id on the moving residue to place the constraint onto
  • anchor_atom: which atom on the anchor residue to place the constraint onto
  • anchor_res: residue number to which the coordinate constraints are anchored to. Overrides "jump" option.
  • jump: Use jump atoms for anchor, that is the first one, for jump n

Subtag span:

  • begin: (REQUIRED) Begin of seed fragment (residue number)
  • end: (REQUIRED) End of seed fragment (residue number)

Subtag Seeds:

  • begin: (REQUIRED) Begin of seed fragment (residue number)
  • end: (REQUIRED) End of seed fragment (residue number)

Subtag residue:

  • residue: (REQUIRED) XRW_TO_DO