Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

This is a very simple mover that copies the residue identity and/or sidechain conformation from one residue in a pose (the template) to another (the target).

<CopyRotamer name="(&string;)" template_res_index="(&non_negative_integer;)"
        target_res_index="(&non_negative_integer;)" copy_identity="(&bool;)"
        copy_torsions="(&bool;)" />
  • template_res_index: (REQUIRED) The index, in Rosetta pose numbering, of the residue from which the side-chain will be copied. This residue is not altered by this operation.
  • target_res_index: (REQUIRED) The index, in Rosetta pose numbering, of the residue to which the side-chain will be copied. The identity and/or conformation of this residue's sidechain is altered by this operation.
  • copy_identity: Should the identity of the template residue by copied to the target? Default true. If false, only side-chain torsion values will be copied. This can create strange results if the template and target residues have different numbers of side-chain chi angles, or if they have significantly different side-chain structures.
  • copy_torsions: Should the side-chain dihedral values of the template residue be copied to the target? Default true.