Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

Specific to seeded abinitio protocol. Finds loops after seeded abinitio that should be closed.

<DefineMovableLoops name="(&string;)" add_chainbreakterm="(1 &bool;)"
        cutpoint_based="(1 &bool;)" secstrct="(&string;)"
        template_pdb="(&string;)" chain_num="(&string;)" >
    <Seeds begin="(&string;)" end="(&string;)" />
  • add_chainbreakterm: Penalize chain breaks.
  • cutpoint_based: Use cutpoint in loop modeling.
  • secstrct: File containg sec struct assignments for all residues in "chain_num"
  • template_pdb: Template pdb file
  • chain_num: Comma-separated list of chain IDs. NOTE: chains have to be consecutive

Subtag Seeds:

  • begin: (REQUIRED) First residue of seed fragment.
  • end: (REQUIRED) Last residue of seed fragment.