Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:


<DesignMinimizeHbonds name="(&string;)" hbond_weight="(3.0 &real;)"
        donors="(&bool;)" acceptors="(&bool;)" bb_hbond="(0 &bool;)"
        sc_hbond="(1 &bool;)" hbond_energy="(-0.5 &real;)"
        interface_cutoff_distance="(8.0 &real;)" />
  • hbond_weight: Weight to score H-bonds with
  • donors: Design in donor residue types
  • acceptors: Design in acceptor residue types
  • bb_hbond: Optimize backbone H-bonds
  • sc_hbond: Optimize sidechain H-bonds
  • hbond_energy: Energy at which we consider an H-bond is taking place
  • interface_cutoff_distance: Distance from partner chain where the interface is defined to exist