Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

This mover takes a non-symmetric pose composed of symmetric chains and transforms it into a symmetric system. It only works with cyclic symmetries from C2 to C99.

<DetectSymmetry name="(&string;)" subunit_tolerance="(0.01 &real;)"
        plane_tolerance="(1e-3 &real;)" ignore_single_jump="(false &bool;)"
        keep_pdb_info_labels="(false &bool;)" keep_pdb_remarks="(false &bool;)" />
  • subunit_tolerance: Maximum tolerated CA-rmsd between the chains.
  • plane_tolerance: Maximum accepted displacement(angstroms) of the center of mass of the whole pose from the xy-plane.
  • ignore_single_jump: whether to ignore a single jump when caculating the symmetry
  • keep_pdb_info_labels: keep PDB-InfoLabel tags in new symmetric Pose object
  • keep_pdb_remarks: keep PDB file remarks in new symmetric Pose object