Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

Perform an initial perturbation to docking partners before docking

<DockingInitialPerturbation name="(&string;)" randomize1="(&bool;)"
        randomize2="(&bool;)" use_ellipsoidal_randomization="(&bool;)"
        dock_pert="(false &bool;)" trans="(&real;)" rot="(&real;)"
        uniform_trans="(&real;)" spin="(&bool;)" center_at_interface="(&bool;)"
        slide="(&bool;)" />
  • randomize1: Randomize the first docking partner
  • randomize2: Randomize the second docking partner
  • use_ellipsoidal_randomization: Use the EllipsoidalRandomizationMover instead of the RigidBodyRandomizeMover
  • dock_pert: Read in translational and rotational perturbations and apply to pose
  • trans: Translational perturbation to apply before docking
  • rot: Rotational perturbation to apply before docking
  • uniform_trans: Use the UniformSphereTransMover
  • spin: Spin partner about its axis
  • center_at_interface: Center the spin at the interface
  • slide: Slide docking partners into contact