Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

Select residues that can be glycosylated, based on a known sequence motif. Default: N-(not P)-S/T

<GlycanSequonsSelector name="(&string;)" NxST="(true &bool;)"
        NxC="(false &bool;)" NxV="(false &bool;)" WxxW="(false &bool;)"
        WSTxC="(false &bool;)" />
  • NxST: Use N-notP-S/T glycosylation motif
  • NxC: Use N-X-C glycosylation motif
  • NxV: Use N-X-V glycosylation motif
  • WxxW: Use W-X-X-W mannosylation motif
  • WSTxC: Use W-S/T-X-C mannosylation motif