Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

The ResidueIndexSelector sets the positions corresponding to the residues given in the resnums string to true, and all other positions to false. Note that it does not support PDB insertion codes.

<Index name="(&string;)" resnums="(&resnum_list_with_ranges;)"
        error_on_out_of_bounds_index="(true &bool;)" reverse="(false &bool;)" />
  • resnums: List of residue numbers to use
  • error_on_out_of_bounds_index: If true (the default), this selector throws an error if an index is selected that is not in the pose (e.g. residue 56 of a 55-residue structure). If false, indices that don't exist in the pose are silently ignored.
  • reverse: If true(default false), this selector reverses the index. So 1-50 selects the last 50 residues of a protein